Closed Bug 444030 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Crash [@ nsGenericDOMDataNode::FirstLogicallyAdjacentTextNode] with XBL, .wholeText


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: smaug)



(Keywords: crash, testcase)

Crash Data


(2 files)

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv:1.9.1a1pre) Gecko/2008070701 Minefield/3.1a1pre

Loading the testcase makes my debug build crash 
[@ nsGenericDOMDataNode::FirstLogicallyAdjacentTextNode].
Assignee: nobody → Olli.Pettay
Attached patch possible patchSplinter Review
We can't really support .replaceWholeText for text nodes which are under their
binding parent - removing that kinds of nodes isn't supported.
And to make .wholeText to work the same way, disable also it when using it
for similar nodes. (And it is not clear what .wholeText should do when used
for text nodes under binding parent)
Or any other suggestion for .wholeText?
Attachment #328663 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #328663 - Flags: review?(jst)
Comment on attachment 328663 [details] [diff] [review]
possible patch

Nothing better comes to mind here. r+sr=jst
Attachment #328663 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #328663 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #328663 - Flags: review?(jst)
Attachment #328663 - Flags: review+
Flags: in-testsuite?
Closed: 16 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite? → in-testsuite+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Could this have caused the following MochiTest failures on qm-win2k3-moz2-01 and qm-win2k3-03?

*** 12374 ERROR FAIL | (15,35) IDs should match (upper left corner of txt) | got [object HTMLSpanElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12375 ERROR FAIL | (209,59) IDs should match (lower right corner of txt) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12376 ERROR FAIL | (15,71) IDs should match (upper left corner of empty) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12377 ERROR FAIL | (209,85) IDs should match (lower right corner of empty) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12378 ERROR FAIL | (15,97) IDs should match (upper left corner of whitespace) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLParagraphElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12379 ERROR FAIL | (501,111) IDs should match (lower right corner of whitespace) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLParagraphElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12380 ERROR FAIL | (15,122) IDs should match (upper left corner of static) | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12381 ERROR FAIL | (40,135) IDs should match (lower right corner of static) | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12382 ERROR FAIL | (107,507) IDs should match (upper left corner of fixed) | got null, expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12383 ERROR FAIL | (303,523) IDs should match (lower right corner of fixed) | got null, expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12384 ERROR FAIL | (157,557) IDs should match (upper left corner of absolute) | got null, expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12385 ERROR FAIL | (351,571) IDs should match (lower right corner of absolute) | got null, expected [object HTMLSpanElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12386 ERROR FAIL | (15,351) IDs should match (upper left corner of relative) | got [object HTMLHtmlElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12387 ERROR FAIL | (209,365) IDs should match (lower right corner of relative) | got [object HTMLHtmlElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12388 ERROR FAIL | (307,125) IDs should match (upper left corner of float) | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12389 ERROR FAIL | (501,139) IDs should match (lower right corner of float) | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12390 ERROR FAIL | (327,293) IDs should match (upper left corner of textbox) | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLInputElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12391 ERROR FAIL | (463,309) IDs should match (lower right corner of textbox) | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLInputElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12396 ERROR FAIL | Hit testing should bypass hidden elements. | got [object HTMLIFrameElement], expected [object HTMLDivElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12397 ERROR FAIL | Element from nested iframe returned is from calling document | got [object HTMLDivElement], expected [object HTMLIFrameElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 12398 ERROR FAIL | Element from doubly nested iframe returned is from calling document | got [object HTMLHtmlElement], expected [object HTMLIFrameElement] | /tests/content/html/document/test/test_bug199692.html
*** 51588 ERROR FAIL | popup tests are likely to fail for screen heights less than 768 pixels |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51641 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51647 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored after_end position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51653 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored start_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51665 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored end_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51695 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51701 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute after_end position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51707 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute start_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51719 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute end_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51760 ERROR FAIL | show popup anchored start_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51772 ERROR FAIL | show popup anchored end_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51790 ERROR FAIL | show popup anchored after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51802 ERROR FAIL | show popup anchored after_end position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_attribute.xul
*** 51923 ERROR FAIL | popup tests are likely to fail for screen heights less than 768 pixels |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 51932 ERROR FAIL | mouse click on trigger after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 51984 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 51991 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored after_end position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 51998 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored start_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52012 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored end_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52047 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52054 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute after_end position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52061 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute start_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52075 ERROR FAIL | open popup anchored with attribute end_before position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
*** 52217 ERROR FAIL | open popup with open property after_start position |  | /tests/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/test_popup_button.xul
backed out due to orange, per sheriff myk's request
Resolution: FIXED → ---
The patch has been cleared of culpability for the test failure and can land again when the tree reopens.
Closed: 16 years ago16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified fixed using Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1a1pre) Gecko/2008071502 Minefield/3.1a1pre and the equivalent build on 10.4. I verified using Jesse's testcase.
Crash Signature: [@ nsGenericDOMDataNode::FirstLogicallyAdjacentTextNode]
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