Closed Bug 446038 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

add more slaves to 1.9 automation to have enough slaves when adding the en-US nightly builds to happen as well


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: armenzg, Assigned: catlee)



There is bug 421411 and bug 445254 to do dependent/nightly en-US and l10n repackages under the automation system in 1.9. Currently we have one set of the 3 platforms in staging and another one in production. There are 2 linux and 2 windows machines that might have generated for this bug 435278 which shows that we might want to run unit tests under the bb master 1.9. I think the good number of slaves should be something like: Staging: - 2 linux, 2 windows and 1 mac Production - 3 linux, 3 windows and 2 macs
Blocks: 421411, 435278, 445254
Component: Release Engineering → Release Engineering: Future
Priority: -- → P3
I would like to bring to production-1.9 from staging-1.9: - fx-linux-slave03 - fx-win32-slave03 - fx-win32-slave04 We are starting to do experimental l10n repackages in production-1.9 and next week we will probably do them fully in it. This will allow us to do a release without having to stop l10n nightly repackages and we will be ready to have the en-US builds being done in release automation as well
Component: Release Engineering: Future → Release Engineering
Priority: P3 → P2
Assignee: nobody → armenzg
No longer blocks: 445254
Priority: P2 → P3
Summary: add more slaves to 1.9 automation → add more slaves to 1.9 automation to have enough slaves when adding the en-US nightly builds to happen as well
Depends on: 462515
I haven't had time to work on this, putting back into the pool
Assignee: armenzg → nobody
Priority: P3 → --
Assignee: nobody → catlee
(In reply to comment #0) > I think the good number of slaves should be something like: > Staging: > - 2 linux, 2 windows and 1 mac > Production > - 3 linux, 3 windows and 2 macs afaict, today we have: staging: # fx-win32-1.9-slave1: # fx-mac-1.9-slave1: # fx-linux-1.9-slave4: # fx-linux-1.9-slave3: # fx-linux-1.9-slave1: production: # fx-mac-1.9-slave2: # fx-win32-1.9-slave2: # fx-linux-1.9-slave2: Somewhere, not connected to anything, are also: # fx-win32-1.9-slave3: # fx-win32-1.9-slave4: # fx-linux64-1.9-slave1: Did I miss anything?
(In reply to comment #4) > # fx-linux64-1.9-slave1: Where do you see this one ? IIRC this became moz2-linux64-slave01, but it may still be in master configs for 1.9.
We're not doing anything else for this bug. fx-win32-1.9-slave4 and fx-linux-1.9-slave4 were moved onto production today.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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