Closed Bug 450117 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

[Tracking Bug] Unittest Production Masters need to move from QA network to Build network


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lsblakk, Assigned: lsblakk)




(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

This bug is to track any issues that arise as the following build masters are moved from the QA network to the Build network. A separate bug will be filed for each branch since they will not be moved on the same downtime. The buildmaster for 1.9 is currently qm-rhel02 and will be moved to The buildmaster for moz2 is on qm-mos2-unittest01 and will be moved to
Priority: -- → P2
Depends on: 450119
Depends on: 450172
Depends on: 449901
Depends on: 455699
Blocks: 428307
Attachment #340128 - Flags: review? → review?(nthomas)
There's quite a few small changes in this master.cfg: 1. The cvs key is now ffxbld -- bug 449901 2. Slave name changes 3. Timeouts are 60 * 5 (not 60 * 40) -- bug 443854 4. Kill xpcshell step is included -- bug 445578 5. A11y test step is included but commented out, so that when it's ready to turn on, it's just a question of un-commenting -- bug 424195
Comment on attachment 340128 [details] [diff] [review] Changes to mozilla2-unittest master.cfg for new config on production-master >diff -r bf8a8755da81 mozilla2-unittest/master.cfg >+c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave("moz2-linux-slave07", "moz2"), >+ BuildSlave("moz2-linux-slave08", "moz2"), >+ BuildSlave("moz2-darwin8-slave01", "moz2"), >+ BuildSlave("moz2-darwin8-slave02", "moz2"), >+ BuildSlave("moz2-win32-slave07(2)", "moz2"), >+ BuildSlave("moz2-win32-slave08(2)", "moz2")] Why is there a (2) suffix for the win32 slaves ? > moz2_linux_unittest_factory.addStep(MozillaCheck, > warnOnWarnings=True, >- timeout=60*40, >+ timeout=60*5, > workdir="build/objdir") >@@ -189,29 +211,32 @@ moz2_linux_unittest_factory.addStep(Mozi > timeout=2400, > env=MozillaEnvironments['linux-centos-unittest']) There are still lots of 40 minute timeouts in the 'timeout=2400' style. They should get fixed too, right ? r- for this. >+firefox_trunk_win2k3_builder2 = { >+ 'name': "WINNT 5.2 mozilla-central moz2-win32-slave08 dep unit test", >+ 'slavenames': ['moz2-win32-slave08(2)'], >+ 'builddir': "trunk_win2k3-8", > 'factory': moz2_win32_unittest_factory, > 'category': "HEAD", > } > > builders.append(firefox_trunk_win2k3_builder) >+builders.append(firefox_trunk_win2k3_builder2) Given both builders are using moz2_win32_unittest_factory, is there any reason to keep LocalEnvironments and moz2_win32_unittest_factory2 ? If not, I'd love to clean up the config by removing them.
Attachment #340128 - Flags: review?(nthomas) → review-
So this should address the comments nthomas made, also if this is good to be checked in, it will negate the changes in the patch coop submitted for bug #443854
Attachment #340128 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #341952 - Flags: review?
Depends on: 458778
Depends on: 458779
Blocks: 458782
Attachment #341952 - Flags: review? → review?(nthomas)
Comment on attachment 341952 [details] [diff] [review] Changes to mozilla2-unittest master.cfg for new config on production-master Looks good to me. I did a three way diff with coop's change and the unchanged file, and it looks it'll work fine if coop's lands first, you update your repo and merge, then push the remaining changes.
Attachment #341952 - Flags: review?(nthomas) → review+
No longer blocks: 458782
Depends on: 458782
This is the final to be checked in, all the timeouts are up to date as per coop's bug - this patch renames the slaves, adds the a11y step (commented out for now) and also removes the Local Environments which are no longer used. Nthomas already gave it a + so I'm just going to ask for checkin on this
Attachment #341952 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 344289 [details] [diff] [review] Remaining changes for updates to unittest production [Checkin: Comment 7] changeset: 432:ba23d62e8da7
Attachment #344289 - Attachment description: Remaining changes for updates to unittest production → [checked in] Remaining changes for updates to unittest production
Comment on attachment 344292 [details] [diff] [review] Removes 2x linux builders [Checkin: Comment 9] changeset: 433:29468b6d8c5a
Attachment #344292 - Attachment description: Removes 2x linux builders → [checked in] Removes 2x linux builders
Attachment #344289 - Attachment description: [checked in] Remaining changes for updates to unittest production → [checked in] Remaining changes for updates to unittest production [Checkin: Comment 7]
Attachment #344292 - Attachment description: [checked in] Removes 2x linux builders → Removes 2x linux builders [Checkin: Comment 9]
Attachment #344289 - Attachment description: [checked in] Remaining changes for updates to unittest production [Checkin: Comment 7] → Remaining changes for updates to unittest production [Checkin: Comment 7]
Leaving opened for "lukasblakk: review? (bhearsum)".
Keywords: checkin-needed
Comment on attachment 344292 [details] [diff] [review] Removes 2x linux builders [Checkin: Comment 9] r+ after the fact, apparently!
Attachment #344292 - Flags: review?(bhearsum) → review+
Done and done. Closing
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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