Closed Bug 450703 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

3.2rc1: Duplicate key name 'fielddefs_name_idx' during installation


(Bugzilla :: Installation & Upgrading, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: whegardt, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1 Build Identifier: Bugzilla 3.2rc1 on CentOS 5.2 During installation of 3.2rc1, I get: Reading ./localconfig... Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.00) ok: found v4.007 Checking for MySQL (v4.1.2) ok: found v5.0.45 Creating database bugs... Building Schema object from database... Adding new table bz_schema ... Initializing the new Schema storage... Adding new table attach_data ... Adding new table attachments ... Adding new table bug_group_map ... Adding new table bug_severity ... Adding new table bug_status ... Adding new table bugs ... Adding new table bugs_activity ... Adding new table bugs_fulltext ... Adding new table category_group_map ... Adding new table cc ... Adding new table classifications ... Adding new table component_cc ... Adding new table components ... Adding new table dependencies ... Adding new table duplicates ... Adding new table email_setting ... Adding new table fielddefs ... DBD::mysql::db do failed: Duplicate key name 'fielddefs_name_idx' [for Statement "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `fielddefs_name_idx` ON fielddefs (name)"] at Bugzilla/ line 646 Bugzilla::DB::_bz_add_table_raw('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0xb18919c)', 'fielddefs') called at Bugzilla/ line 612 Bugzilla::DB::bz_add_table('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0xb18919c)', 'fielddefs') called at Bugzilla/ line 407 Bugzilla::DB::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0xb18919c)') called at Bugzilla/DB/ line 487 Bugzilla::DB::Mysql::bz_setup_database('Bugzilla::DB::Mysql=HASH(0xb18919c)') called at ./ line 143 [ Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. If I try to reproduce, I always get an error of some kind related to the fielddefs table.
This works just fine for me. Are you sure you're creating these tables into a totally empty database?
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
You're right - sorry for the noise
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