Closed Bug 45409 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Browser hangs after clicking left mouse button on Industry News applet


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect, P3)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rgavlin, Assigned: stanley.ho)




(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-])


(1 file)

502.84 KB, application/x-zip-compressed
Browser hangs after clicking left mouse button on Industry News applet
yuck...this is bad...used to work before.. nominating for nsbeta2. This is the first applet on the java website and it hangs the browser.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: nsbeta2
Also, pressing the BACK/RELOAD button seems to freeze the browser(when hte applet is running). Most of the applets on sun site show this problem.
shrir: do you happen to know the last time you tested this one? I.e., when might it have started to break? That could help us narrow down to which daily to look at, or if it's a difference in the latest build of Java Plug-In vs. older build of JPI.
FYI, browser hangs using IBM's 1.3 plug-in as well. It's been broken for at least a few weeks if my memory is correct.
Let me backtrack this problem and get back to you. Thnx.
Tried this with Branch M16-OJI-07102000 with Java Plugin version 1.3.0-netscape6-pr2 Does not hang. Tried with mozilla build dated 07/14/2000 (built from sources) with above Java Plugin Does not hang. shirir: Can u specify the Java Plugin version that u are using.
oops.. I think the bug is against Win2000. I had checked it against WinNT. Disregard my previous comments. Sorry about that
Hi, this happens for me on all flavours of windows. Even today's build (2000071408) shows the same problem .As soon as I click on the industry applet, instead of loading the news page, the browser locks up.
forgot to plugin packaged in daily builds on windows is 1.3.0
I suspect the newer plug-in is testing against is not 1.3.0. This brings up an interesting point. Who is responsible for maintaining/distributing the plug-in code, Netscape or the JVM vendor? If Netscape, how will you handle non-Sun JVMs like IBM's new 1.3 JVM which includes its own plug-in? Does Netscape or Sun forward plug-in changes to other vendors like IBM, etc?
Tried this on Win2000 with Java Plugin version 1.3.0-netscape6-pr2. on M16. and latest nightly build (07/14/2000). It works perfectly when clicking on 'Industry news' No hangs or crashes. Ron: I'm testing this against 1.3.0 (the Plugin version does indicate that). shrir: Could u specify the version of Plugin that u see on the Java Console.
Added myself to CC list
Putting on [nsbeta2-] radar. Not critical to beta2.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
I got a hang with the 2 June Java Plugin with JDK1.3. With an 11 July mozilla build. It appears to be hung in NTDLL! 77f677ef() KERNEL32! 77f1c7d6() JVM! 50447890() MSVCRT! 7800248d() KERNEL32! 77f04f2c()
Here's the infinite loop: 50447879 cmp dword ptr ds:[504EE1A0h],edi 5044787F jne 5044789C 50447881 push edi 50447882 push edi 50447883 push 0Ah 50447885 push dword ptr ds:[504EE19Ch] 5044788B call 50430AD0 50447890 push 0Ah 50447892 call 5043F145 50447897 add esp,14h 5044789A jmp 50447879 At this point, the stack trace is: JVM! 5044789a() MSVCRT! 7800248d() KERNEL32! 77f04f2c() Reassigning to Stanley.
Really re-assigning to Stanley.
Assignee: drapeau → stanley.ho
This is a bad bug and needs to be fixed for beta2.
Ed, this is what I tried to simulate the same. Installed JRE1.3 from ( site). Installed Mozilla Now at this point I would assume that the plugins (np*.dll) would be different. Next, I get the Patched Plugin (2nd June from Stanley) and unzipped it and just copied the 3 np*.dll files to SeaMonkey/.../bin/Plugins dir. Now I invoke mozilla, and try to load and click on industry applet. This time it hangs as indicated in the bug. But clearly I did something wrong here. I had just copied only the 3 np*.dll patched files. Not the rest of the files. Clearly there would be a difference in the JRE1.3 from website and that I got with this patched version ( 2nd june). Now I unzipped all of the files from the patched version and copied all files into the Progra~1/JavaSoft/Jre/1.3/bin and lib dir. Listed below is all the files the patched Java Plugin contains bin/ ActPanel.dll beans.ocx jpins32.dll jpishare.dll NPJava11.dll NPJava12.dll NPJava32.dll packager.dll plugincpl.cpl lib/jaws.jar So this time the npjava*.dll files in Mozilla Plugins dir. and in Jre/1.3/bin dir. are the same. This time when I try out loading and clicking on idustry applet, It works perfectly. NO HANGS. Looks like, this is bug is against wrong plugin version. A simple check would be to, go to click Start-Setting->ControlPanel U should see a java Plugin icon there. Click on that. It brings upa Plugin Console window. Check the 'show Console' option Clikc Apply. Close it. Invoke Mozilla. this time the Console would show up and the version of the Plugin will show up. It should read Java (TM) Plug-in Version 1.3.0-netscape6-pr2 Using Jre Version 1.3.0 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM. This is the latest Patched Plugin available and I presume this is the one u are checking the bugs against. Shrir /Ron Could somebody list out the Plugin version u see on the Java Plugin. Console.
When using IBM's 1.3 JRE, the console displays: "Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.3.pj" When using Sun's 1.3 JRE, the console displays: "Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.3.0-C" Both of these hang Mozilla when clicking the Industry News applet. How is the newer Java Plugin version 1.3.0-netscape6-pr2 distributed? Do I have access to it?
The java console says this... " Java (TM) Plug-in Version 1.3.0-netscape6-pr2 Using Jre Version 1.3.0 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM."
I think George Drapeau would be the person to address this issue. Ron, Looks like Shrir has the correct version of the Plugin. I'm outside Netscape and do not have access to installer/commercial builds of Netscape (which bundles Sun Java). But I do think the netscape6-pr2 version should have made it into Netscape. George, Am I correct?
Raju: yes, you are correct, although I expect there to be one more drop from Sun. Right now, the current drop of Java Plug-In for Windows should say what Shrirang says (see previous bug comments). It is a build from June 2, 2000, I believe.
Shirang, did u install the Sun Java using the commercial build or did u download it off the website and then apply the patch.
I installed the daily commercial build which packages the jre and the patch.Did not go to
I tried out the test case, but I didn't get the browser to hang. Shrirang, can you try to install the JRE 1.3, and apply the patch manually as Raji pointed out to see whether it works for you?
build:2000072008 Strangely, after I manually installed the jre and added the patch (and replaced the dll files in mozilla|plugins folder with the new ones timestamped 05/22 from the jre/bin/ folder) I cannot even launch the browser. I can see an error message in the console saying " Java HotSpot Client VM warning: setting of property "java.compiler" is ignored. Error occured during initialization in VM java/lang.NoClassDefFoundError : java/lang/object " and the console quits. I will retry with today's latest build and comment.
Shrir The plugins cannot be dated 05/22. SOmething is wrong. Try this (this is what I did). 1) Install Java 2 SDK. this will create c:\jdk1.3 and c:\programFile\javasoft\jre\1.3 This is the FCS version available from (It should be the same bundled thru' Netscape installer). 2) then, Get the patch. (I have it as a ZIP file) Thru' Winzip extract it. This will create a bin and a lib dir. 3) Copy all contents of this bin dir. to c:\programFiles\javasoft\jre\1.3\bin 4) copy all contents of lib dir to c:\programFiles\javasoft\jre\1.3\lib (jaws.jar is the only file that will be found in this lib dir.). 5) remove npjava*.dll files from Mozilla Plugins dir. 6) copy c:\programFiles\javasoft\jre\1.3\bin\np*.dll to mozilla\Plugins dir. Now we are all set. Try this out
Attached file jre patch zip file.
Raju, I did exactly what you have mentioned. The patch file in the packaged builds is attached. It says 05/22/2000 5:54 pm for the dll. files at least for sure. I dunno what I am dong wrong here..but will try the automated build today and try to figure out what's missing from my side.Thnx.
I just tried it out. I just unzipped you attchmt. Copied the bin and lib directory files to c:\programfiles\javasoft\jre\1.3 bin and lib dir. respectively. Copied the np*.dll files to mozilla plugins dir. dated 05/22. It did bring up the browser and the Console window. The JRE version reads 'stanleyh' U are using an old verion of the patch.
Just got an email from George that he sent the latest jre bits to put in the daily packager here. This should guarantee that we are using the same bits. I will recheck this bug after the new jre bits are in the builds. Thanks!
I do not see the 'Industry News' applet on the page at all now. Seems like the webpage changed...hmm?
shrir: I just went to and looked at the page source. Mid way through the page is the following comment: !-- --------------------Removing for maintenance of I don't know why this is, or exactly what this means, but it's pretty clear that the Industry News applet is disabled for now. Meanwhile, after looking at this bug some more, I'm starting to think that it's another symptom of a meta-bug. I believe bug 8290 is also a symptom of the same meta-bug. The OJI group talked about these similar-looking problems last week, and we are starting to think that it's race conditions, or an imprecise definition of applet lifecycle that's the problem. We're working on it now; as a matter of fact, Stanley Ho is about to check in a possible fix for 8290 in the next 24 hours (it was due tonight, Stanley's time permitting) on the trunk. For PR 3, one of our major tasks is to get the lifecycle problem better defined and fixed. When we do that, I believe a few of these bugs will go away.
Thanks for the update, George. I will be on top of these bugs to verify.thnx!
woohoo...this is working on the m17 branch build on windows NT (2000080404m17). Will verify once I check this on the trunk build as well.
This is not happening anymore. With the new jre patch being applied in today's build, the browser does not freeze/hang. Verified on win2k/NT with build 2000081508M18.Marking FIXED.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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