Closed Bug 455877 Opened 16 years ago Closed 13 years ago

port bug 254714 to SeaMonkey (blank location bar while loading page in a new tab/window)


(SeaMonkey :: Location Bar, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: misak.bugzilla, Assigned: misak.bugzilla)




(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

Bug 254714 exist long time ago and now fixed. This bug for porting it to Seamonkey. Thanks to Philip Chee for suggestion.
Flags: wanted-seamonkey2?
This patch does his,job. It needs patch from bug 425480 to be applied first. One thing to make clear - i don't know what to do with gURIFixup removal and make it local variable part from original patch. I need suggestions here.
Attachment #339415 - Flags: review?(neil)
Attached patch fixes bad behavior (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This one fixed case when user needs hit ESC twice to reset URL in location bar. Also i noticed some good (for me) change in Location bar. When user starts typing - favicon not going to default, but resets to blank. When user hits ESC favicon updated to loaded page's, in contrast of staying default.
Attachment #339415 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #339424 - Flags: review?(neil)
Attachment #339415 - Flags: review?(neil)
Assignee: nobody → misak
Component: General → Location Bar
Depends on: 254714
OS: Linux → All
QA Contact: general → location-bar
Hardware: PC → All
I've updated patch against current tree with some minor changes.
Attachment #339424 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #360694 - Flags: review?(neil)
Attachment #339424 - Flags: review?(neil)
Comment on attachment 360694 [details] [diff] [review] updated patch against current tree >+ if (!gURLBar) >+ return; Don't need this, we always have a URL bar >- if (gBrowser.shouldLoadFavIcon(aURI)) { >- var favStr = gBrowser.buildFavIconString(aURI); >- if (favStr != gProxyFavIcon.src) { >- gBrowser.loadFavIcon(aURI, "src", gProxyFavIcon); >- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >- } >- else gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; >- } >- else { >- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >- gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); >- } >+ >+ PageProxySetIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.mIconURL); > } else if (aState == "invalid") { > gURLBar.removeEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState, false); >- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >+ PageProxyClearIcon(); Not sure what the point of these changes is. >+ if (gURLBar && >+ gURLBar.value == "" && >+ getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec == "about:blank") >+ URLBarSetURI(uri); Won't this set the page proxy state to valid? Not sure that's a good thing, since there are some cases where we never get a location change (which is what this code is trying to work around, I guess.)
>>- if (gBrowser.shouldLoadFavIcon(aURI)) { >>- var favStr = gBrowser.buildFavIconString(aURI); >>- if (favStr != gProxyFavIcon.src) { >>- gBrowser.loadFavIcon(aURI, "src", gProxyFavIcon); >>- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >>- } >>- else gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; >>- } >>- else { >>- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >>- gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); >>- } >>+ >>+ PageProxySetIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.mIconURL); >> } else if (aState == "invalid") { >> gURLBar.removeEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState, false); >>- gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; >>+ PageProxyClearIcon(); > Not sure what the point of these changes is. The tabbrowser code already does*almost* all that the deleted code does when it updates .mIconURL. So here we just catch a free ride by using whatever is in .mIconURL. I say *almost* because see below: >+function PageProxySetIcon (aURL) >+{ >+ if (!gProxyFavIcon) >+ return; >+ >+ if (!aURL) >+ PageProxyClearIcon(); >+ else if (gProxyFavIcon.getAttribute("src") != aURL) >+ gProxyFavIcon.setAttribute("src", aURL); >+} >+ >+function PageProxyClearIcon () >+{ >+ gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); >+} I think you need to update the |gProxyDeck.selectedIndex| in the following: +function PageProxySetIcon(aURL) +{ + if (!gProxyFavIcon) + return; + if (!aURL) { + PageProxyClearIcon(); + return; + } + if (gProxyFavIcon.getAttribute("src") != aURL) + gProxyFavIcon.setAttribute("src", aURL); + if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 1) + gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; +} + +function PageProxyClearIcon() +{ + if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 0) gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; - } + if (gProxyFavIcon.hasAttribute("src")) + gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); }
(In reply to comment #5) > I think you need to update the |gProxyDeck.selectedIndex| in the following: > + if (gProxyFavIcon.getAttribute("src") != aURL) > + gProxyFavIcon.setAttribute("src", aURL); > + if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 1) > + gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; > + if (gProxyDeck.selectedIndex != 0) > gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; > + if (gProxyFavIcon.hasAttribute("src")) > + gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); These checks don't seem to make much sense. At least, I would expect the underlying code to deal with such things smartly...
> These checks don't seem to make much sense. At least, I would expect the > underlying code to deal with such things smartly... Yes, you are right. This is from a very bit rotted patch I wrote a long time ago when I knew less.
patch from this bug moved to bug 425480, Neil suggested
Depends on: 425480
Attached patch remaining bits (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Remaining bits after landing of bug 425480.
Attachment #360694 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #362870 - Flags: review?
Attachment #360694 - Flags: review?(neil)
Attached patch proper patchSplinter Review
Oops, forgone one line.
Attachment #362870 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #362871 - Flags: review?(neil)
Attachment #362870 - Flags: review?
Comment on attachment 362871 [details] [diff] [review] proper patch I don't think application/octet-stream is the proper mime-type for a patch.
Attachment #362871 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #362871 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Comment on attachment 362871 [details] [diff] [review] proper patch Our page proxy favicon works in a completely different way to Firefox's, so none of these changes makes sense.
Attachment #362871 - Flags: review?(neil) → review-
> (From update of attachment 362871 [details] [diff] [review]) > Our page proxy favicon works in a completely different way to Firefox's, so > none of these changes makes sense. These changes look reasonable to me. Why don't they make sense to you?
Comment on attachment 362871 [details] [diff] [review] proper patch >- gProxyButton.setAttribute("pageproxystate", aState); >+ gURLBar.setAttribute("pageproxystate", aState); >+ gProxyFavIcon.setAttribute("pageproxystate", aState); This change is definitely wrong, but maybe I misread the rest of the patch.
Since bug 254714 was ported in bug 425480 can you please resummarise this bug to whatever it is you're trying to do here?
Comment on attachment 362871 [details] [diff] [review] proper patch >+ PageProxySetIcon(gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser.mIconURL); Unfortunately mIconURL won't be set in the case of a /favicon.ico icon so this would break those completely if they hadn't already been broken already.
Aargh, so we have two paths. onLinkAdded calls setIcon which updates mIconURL. Then you have mTabProgressListener::onStateChange() which calls loadFavIcon() which updates the corresponding tab if mIconURL is empty. And it's loadFavIcon() which checks for /favicon.ico. What should we do here?
Summary: port Bug 254714 to SeaMonkey → port bug 254714 to SeaMonkey (blank location bar while loading page in a new tab/window)
From comments here, it's unclear if this is still needed or not. I don't see any reason to give this special priority, but it's also not unwanted, so cancelling the wanted flag.
Flags: wanted-seamonkey2.0?
Target Milestone: seamonkey2.0 → ---
> From comments here, it's unclear if this is still needed or not. Bump?
>> From comments here, it's unclear if this is still needed or not. > Bump? Did you try out the STR in Bug 254714?
Yes, I can't reproduce the issue
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Firefox/17.0 SeaMonkey/2.14a1 ID:20120717003004 CSet: fc60215fa2fa When following the STR in bug 254714 comment #58, I cannot reproduce the issue. Nor can I reproduce it by loading (after opening a new window ;-) ) a homepage of several hundreds of tabs, which used to suffer from the problem in the past.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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