Closed Bug 459268 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Upgrade Thirdlane PBX Manager 5.0.26 -> 6.0.1 on ringring


( Graveyard :: Server Operations, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: justdave, Assigned: justdave)



We will be upgrading the configuration GUI and its underlying Asterisk add-on features for our phone system. The phone system itself in Mountain View will probably be down less than 5 minutes. Specific features (conference call rooms, provisioning of new telephones, calls to phones in Toronto) may be offline for up to 6 hours.
Flags: needs-downtime+
My todo list for this upgrade: 1. Take a complete backup of /etc/asterisk. Keep it online somewhere, as parts of it will probably need to be referred to during the remainder of the upgrade. 2. Upgrade Webmin 3. Upgrade the PBXManager module in Webmin 4. Upgrading typically wipes out the provisioning templates (replaces them with the defaults again). New version of PBXManager has a new way to do the templates that doesn't get overwritten on ugprades (but still picks up upstream changes when they happen). Need to convert the phone auto-provisioning over to use the new template format. 5. Manually reconfigure all of the conference rooms - Thirdlane now supports all the stuff we custom-hacked before, but uses the astdb to store the data instead of the added lines in meetme.conf. This data will need to be manually migrated over. 6. Everything else should upgrade pretty much intact.
Steps 1 thorugh 3 (and obviously 6) are done, phone system is back online. Conferences will behave strangely if they work at all for now, and Sean should avoid creating any new phones for the time being. I'll come back to steps 4 and 5 after Toronto is done (bug 459270)
Step 4 is done. Also discovered the feature code for the conference system is still pointed at our old hack version, so conferencing still works. Given the magnitude of the job of copying the conference data to the new system, I think I'll leave it like that and deploy the new version of the conference system over the weekend since I'm getting dangerously close to business hours already.
The new conference system has been deployed. This is now complete.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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