Open Bug 464255 Opened 16 years ago

consider using categories for fields in buglist atom feed


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, defect)

Windows XP
Not set




(Reporter: brian.ewins, Unassigned)




(The motivating example is in the url above). The user wants to follow to-do lists from multiple bug trackers, but has no way of knowing when bugs drop off his to-do list this way, if he queries for only open bugs; and if he queries for open and closed bugs, his feed reader can't tell them apart.

All this information is in the feed already, but not in a form that can be parsed by the feedreader. If category elements were added, entries could be managed more intelligently. eg in list.atom.tmpl adding this would allow the client to filter by product and status:

<category term="/Product/[% bug.product FILTER xml %]" label="Product: [% bug.product FILTER xml %]"/>
<category term="/Status/[% bug.bug_status FILTER xml %]" label="Status: [% bug.bug_status FILTER xml %]"/>

Caveats: the range of terms is not limited by the atom spec, but may be if you ever plan to include an atompub api including a category document.
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