Bug 469005
Opened 16 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Draw missing glyph placeholder in a consistent way for a given style
(Core :: Graphics: Text, defect)
Graphics: Text
(Reporter: jfkthame, Unassigned)
(2 files)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
Build Identifier:
The box with the Unicode value in hex should be drawn in a consistent way within any given style, based on the metrics of the first-choice font family, rather than depending on which font happened to be matched for the preceding character. See discussion of the reftest failure on Linux, in comments to bug #450088.
Reproducible: Always
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Comment 1•16 years ago
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Comment 2•16 years ago
Comment 3•16 years ago
Hmm, with Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20081217 Shiretoko/3.1b3pre I don't get any missing-glyph boxes at all on that testcase, although I do see them on e.g. <>. Is that a Linux bug that I haven't found?
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Comment 4•16 years ago
No missing glyph boxes on the test file probably means you have a font installed that supports U+FF00 (even if only as a blank glyph), so you're seeing that instead. You could grab the file and change ＀ to something really obscure like 𯼀 throughout, and see if that draws the boxes for you.
Where on the Einstein page do you get them? Oh, in the list of languages, maybe? But you probably won't see the inconsistent behavior there as they won't be in suitable contexts to trigger it.
Comment 5•16 years ago
Yes, you are right, with ￶ I do get the boxes, sorry for the confusion. [No, the Einstein page doesn't trigger this behavior, it's just always the first page I go to for testing these things. :-)]
Comment 6•15 years ago
Is this bug VALID? Is this bug reproducible on ALL platform or only on Linux?
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Updated•2 years ago
Component: Graphics → Graphics: Text
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