Closed Bug 471675 Opened 16 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Need an implementation design for session cookie management


(Core :: Networking: Cookies, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Natch, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Spin-off of bug 117222 comment 203 and others, this should cover the design implementation of separate session cookies for new widows/tabs.
Dan, any update on this?
See bug 117222 comment 236. Basically, what needs to happen here is:

1) A design document on detailing the goals of this change and how it will affect UX, a preliminary spec, and implementation concerns.

2) A discussion around said wiki page, probably on m.d.platform and among the various people at Mozilla who would be interested in this.

Not trying to be stop-energy here, but this is a fairly big change in behavior, and we should understand clearly what problem we're trying to solve and what new problems it might introduce. I see arguments both ways for this feature.
Also, minor point -- the distinction between session cookies and persistent cookies is largely historical and doesn't have much meaning nowadays, with the advent of sessionstore and such. I suspect that whatever we do here should apply equally to session and persistent cookies. The design document would be the place to hash this out.
Whiteboard: [.next?]
Any news on this?
PB per Window is out for a while already, apparently this is fixed...
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [.next?]
Oh good! Does this mean there is progress on this issue? [Issue 117222] can go forward?
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