Closed Bug 472810 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

incorrect order of a11y events for nsIDOMNode.replaceChild


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: surkov, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


nsIDOMNode.replaceChild don't produce remove/create/reorder a11y events. It seems order of these events may be different from time to time and some of events may be not fired.
actually what happens: 1. there is no accessible and therefore there is no hide event 2. however there is reorder event 3. accessible is created when new node is appended therefore there is show event 4. and reorder event which is coalesced with first reorder event so we have reorder and then show events. Eventually we should have show + reorder event. In the case when there is an accessible initially then we want to get hide + show + reorder. In the meantime reorder event will be fired between them.
Summary: nsIDOMNode.replaceChild don't produce remove/create/reorder a11y events → incorrect order of a11y events for nsIDOMNode.replaceChild
Why does AT want the show event before the reorder event?
possibly it doesn't matter but I think it's better to be consistent.
OK this makes sense. Sounds like it might be tricky to ensure the ordering during coalescing. I wonder if it would be safe to just push all reordering to the end of the queue.
Depends on: 570275
fixed by bug 570275
Closed: 14 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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