Closed Bug 475036 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Save preferences back from UI as soon as user changes them


(Other Applications Graveyard :: QA Companion, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: harth, Assigned: harth)



(2 files)

We are saving (and verifying) the Litmus account preferences only when the user switches tabs. This increases the code complexity and caused bugs like bug 415849. We should save the preferences as soon as the user changes them in the UI, making the settings tab more like a real prefwindow.
This patch adds a button to the settings tab to update the litmus account settings. (The UI isn't the best for this right now, could use some success/failure feedback etc, leaving for another bug). Pressing this button will verify and update the account preferences, which we previously did when we switched tabs.

This also changes when we update the UI from the preferences. Before we did this whenever we switched to the settings tab, but we only really need to sync these up when we load the whole window.

Now the only reason we have an "on tab change" listener is for some kind of highlight mechanism for the bugzilla tab. It seems like when a lengthy query is executed, the user can switch tabs and the bugzilla tab will be highlighted when the results come back. This doesn't work for me currently (might be an Ubuntu/Linux thing).
Assignee: nobody → harthur
Attachment #358426 - Flags: review?(ctalbert)
I think (In reply to comment #1)

> Now the only reason we have an "on tab change" listener is for some kind of
> highlight mechanism for the bugzilla tab. It seems like when a lengthy query is
> executed, the user can switch tabs and the bugzilla tab will be highlighted
> when the results come back. This doesn't work for me currently (might be an
> Ubuntu/Linux thing).
I think, just guessing, that we are using that to do the linkage between test cases that have bugs and the bugzilla tab.  The original thinking here was that if you loaded a litmus test case that referenced a bug ID, then that bug ID would be background loaded into the bugzilla tab.  This has been a pretty undiscoverable feature and I tend to think we should probably lose it in favor of the simplicity win.  I suppose that what happens to that feature and that ontab listener is really depending on what we do with the bugzilla tab.

I'll get to the review later today.
Attachment #358426 - Flags: review?(ctalbert) → review+
Comment on attachment 358426 [details] [diff] [review]
patch to save Litmus account prefs on button click

If we're going to take the "$"'s out of there, then let's not add new ones.  r=ctalbert if you take those out of this patch.  Otherwise, I like it.
this patch doesn't add any more $'s. thanks for noticing!
Thanks for updating the patch!  Checked in.
svn commit -m "Bug 475036: save preferences from UI as soon as user changes them, patch by harthur r=ctalbert"
Sending        chrome/content/qa.js
Sending        chrome/content/settings.js
Sending        chrome/content/tabs/settings.xul
Sending        chrome/locale/en-US/qa.dtd
Sending        chrome/qa.jar
Transmitting file data .....
Committed revision 21841.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Other Applications → Other Applications Graveyard
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