Open Bug 476905 Opened 16 years ago Updated 10 years ago

Documentation doesn't explain that max_packet_size must be set to restore a mysqldump


(Bugzilla :: Documentation, defect)

Not set




(Reporter: docwhat, Unassigned)


The release notes say: Database: You no longer have to set max_packet_size in MySQL to add large attachments. However, you may need to set it manually if you restore a mysqldump into your database. However, it doesn't explain how to set it. Reference: bug 141951 comment 32 Ciao!
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Summary: Release notes for 3.2 don't explain what is needed to update for max_packet_size → Documentation doesn't explain that max_packet_size must be set to restore a mysqldump now talks about backups. However, it doesn't talk about restoring them at all. We should fix that! :-) Gerv
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