Bug 47732
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
German Language pack gets installed without request
(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jar, Assigned: dveditz)
Running the M17 branch build in the Netscape bundle, I selected "custom" install
and de-selected the Japanese Language pack. There was no other pack to
de-select. I noticed during the install the the German-English language pack
*was* installed.
This should IMO be an option in a custom install, as I'm sure it costs time on
the download wire, and space on the disk.
Comment 1•25 years ago
In the Mozilla edition the German-English language pack just gets installed,
without even being in the Components dialog.
That's bad!
Updated•24 years ago
OS: Linux → All
Comment 2•24 years ago
From the
Description Short=English-German language pack
Why is this "selected" and "invisible"???
This was forced upon us; ask the relevant i18n/l10n PM's. I think the theory was
that similarly to installing two skins, installing two locales shows off that
they can be switched.
Of course Mozilla doesn't have to do the same thing as Netscape 6, but
apparently this was an interesting thing to do for the Mozilla Localization
Project folks as well.
(dveditz using ssu's computer, reassigning to myself)
Assignee: ssu → dveditz
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•24 years ago
The English build now has Japanese removed, en-DE is still there, and en-GB,
en-FR, fr-FR and de-DE were added. Done without the approval of the install
module owners, too, citing some spec that I've repeatedly asked for and have
never received.
This stuff is about a day from getting ripped out if I don't see that spec. The
current behavior is not what I remember from the meeting we had on the issue.
Comment 5•24 years ago
Question - JAR, are u really using an M17 build? If so, it is my understanding
that in the M17 builds, the bundled language packs (i.e. enUS and enDE) where
included as part of the "typical" and "browser-only" installs. For the latest
M18 US builds, all language packs (except the required enUS), can be removed
from the install through the Custom screen. For Complete, only 3 packs will be
included (enUS, enGB and deUS). We have decided to include a non-English
language with the US build because it best demonstrates the ability of the
feature. Addtionally, since the DE browser is targetted to ship simultaneously
with enUS, including deUS better serves German speakers in the US. Customers who
DO NOT want the 2 extra packs included in the Complete build, should be directed
to Typical or Custom installs.
The Install team, and CPM have been tasked to better direct users to a Typical
isntall path via the Install UE.
When we met with Dan, it was agreed that I18N would propose 3-5 packs for
inclusion in a Complete install. We have done that, and got consensus approval
with the PM for Install for 3 packs for PR3/RTM (enUS, enGB, and deUS).
Addtionally, it was concluded that users should have the flexibility to install
as many packs as they desire through a Custom install (Note: Selected by default
will be the Complete packs).
That being said, Dan is correct, in that we need to better communicate the
market requirements. This will be done today.
Please let me know, if there are any outstanding questions, that need to be
BTW - Sorry for the delay in commenting on this bug, but I was not cc'd.
Adding myself, and Naoki to cc: list.
Comment 6•24 years ago
Adding Msanz and Blee to cc: list.
This has been removed from the mozilla build altogether, and made visible in the
ns builds. It is included in Complete and Custom (deselectable in Custom).
I'm not sure who fixed it. Marking this fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•24 years ago
"including deUS better serves German speakers in the US" -- and we know there
are tons and tons of *them* here, unlike those latinos.
I guess if German's all you've got then we go with it but it really makes
little sense. Why is Spanish so far down the priority list? There are more
native speakers of Spanish in the world than English (English is fourth in
number of native speakers, and edges out Spanish only when non-native speakers
are included), and in the US Spanish-speakers form a sizable minority and
largely untapped market.
Anyway, whether anyone agrees with the selection of languages provided or not,
at least everything but the default en-US can be deselected in custom.
With 09-12-12-M18 Comm bld, Custom Setup with only en-GB selected correctly
installed just en-GB along with en-US. Complete Setup installed de-DE, en-DE,
en-GB along with en-US as expected.
Comment 10•24 years ago
Dan - Couldn't agree with you more on the Spanish Language thing . . . u r
preaching to the choir. Look for a Spanish Language N6 in the first half of 2001.
Comment 11•24 years ago
mozilla-win32-installer 2000102808 only installs "en-US.jar".
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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