Closed Bug 47920 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Mac-Can't submit any secure form


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P2)

Mac System 9.x





(Reporter: mikepinkerton, Assigned: beard)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][dogfood+][nsbeta3+] SSL WORKS!)


(1 file)

- Go to and click "your account" button - select "view items ordered in last year" and click "Go" button - enter username and password, go through crappy security dialogs - click "go back to account maintenance page" - once there, try to do the same thing again (select view items ordered in last N months, and click "Go" image) expected: - url loads actual: - nothing happens. Form does not ever submit. Click is ignored. Other clicks on _links_ work, but not on images that submit the form.
i can't order anything from, i think that's dogfood for commercial, don't you think? Another way to duplicate the problem is to try to purchase a DVD. Once you get to the page where you have to select your address, the only way to continue is to click an image to submit the form.
Keywords: dogfood, nsbeta2, nsbeta3
just tried and i can't actually log into my account. Seems that clicking the "Continue" button on the logon screen does nothing as well. It's not an image, just a normal button. Maybe all form submission is broken with https, not just with image submit buttons.
i tried to sign in to bofA and it doesn't work either. same problem as amazon.
trying to log into, i can submit my username/password, but I can't get past the screen where it asks for my mother's maiden name (again, no image submit, just a normal submit). changing topic. this is very very serious.
Summary: Can't submit any secure form where submit button is an image → Can't submit any secure form
Putting on [nsbeta2+][dogfood+] radar.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][dogfood+]
Assigning to beard and ccing ddrinan for ideas of what is happening here. junruh, have you been seing this?
Assignee: rods → beard
This is a regression. I was able to purchase a book from amazon and logon to e-trade in the past.
*** Bug 47349 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
cc'ing more people.
Priority: P3 → P2
This works fine for me in PR2. Is this bug report for PR2-m17 or m18?
Summary: Can't submit any secure form → Mac-Can't submit any secure form
Release noted. "When in secure mode (https), you may not be able to submit a form on the Mac, and thus may not be able to login to secure sites."
Keywords: relnote
In doing some digging, I've found that this exists in the 2000-07-30-04-M17 build (the earliest M17 build currently available on sweetlou). I also tried 2000-06-14-11-M16, and am blocked by a bug that was fixed sometime in M17. I'll check with leaf and granrose to see if I can obtain some other July M17 builds to try to narrow the possible origin.
Great. This should go nicely with the other "this product sucks donkey" comments from the general macintosh community. I just love my job.
Per PST PR2 open bugs review, marking this [nsbeta2-]. But is definitely a [nsbeta3+] bug. beard, hope you don't ming, I added [nsbeta3+]. This is hot to fix ASAP please.
Keywords: relnoterelnote2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][dogfood+] → [nsbeta2-][dogfood+][nsbeta3+]
This appears to be a problem with the certificate database, not with SSL itself. If I copy my security database files "Security Modules", Certificates7 and "Key Database3" from my Mac 4.74 profile, I can log into This narrows down the problem.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][dogfood+][nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta2-][dogfood+][nsbeta3+] SSL WORKS!
Another data point, using, with my 4.74 certificates, it asks me to authenticate with my certificate, and then fails to load the page. If I then hit reload, the page loads correctly. So, there's some interaction between the HTTP proxy server security dialogs, and SSL page loading.
The debug build on my machine works. I've even built the optmized version of the PSM shared library, and that works as well. If I use the built version from 8/11, that doesn't work, so I'm baffled.
Just to be clear... SSL has been working for a while... but the form submission part is where the bustage sits. Patrick: Are you saying that form submission works on SSL now in your build? Junruh: Can you test on current build?
QA Contact: ckritzer → junruh
I can't reproduce the problem with a build on my own machine, neither with the debugging build nor the optimized build. It all works. I've been able to look at my amazon account just fine. This is starting to smell like a configuration problem with the installed bits.
to summarize what beard is saying (so someone doesn't come along and mark this WFM), a build from source (debug or opt) works fine, but the packaged bits fail for beard on his machine as they do on mine.
I can still reproduce it. Go to Enter some info in the username and password fields, and click on the logon button. Nothing happens. Mac only.
OK, with my current build, I CAN log into, but I can't log in to Making progress.
With this patch, a rebuilt PSMGlue.shlb dropped into last Friday's build is able to submit secure forms.
Fixed. The patch works with the 081504 build. Will verify in the next build after beard checks the new file in.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Fix is checked in.
Verified on Mac M17 respin with a new PSMGlue.shlb file. This file should now be included in the 8-17-21 Mac builds.
OS: Mac System 9.x
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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