Open Bug 480965 Opened 16 years ago Updated 14 years ago

Testing suite should pass if there are no optional modules installed


(Bugzilla :: Testing Suite, defect)

Not set




(Reporter: Wurblzap, Unassigned)


The testing suite currently fails during test 1 ("Can't locate XMLRPC/ in @INC") on several WebService files if XMLRPC::Lite isn't installed. XMLRPC::Lite is an optional module, so the testing suite should pass.
That's a part of SOAP::Lite, yeah.

It would be nice to have a better framework that says, "If these modules are not installed, don't attempt to compile these files" or something like that.
We already have this, see %exclude_deps in t/Support/
Bugzilla 3.4 is now restricted to security bugs. We will retarget this bug (to 3.6 or later) when it's fixed.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 3.4 → ---
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