Closed Bug 482450 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Fix workaround string for the "Open in a New Window" tab context menu item


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect, P1)




Firefox 3.6a1


(Reporter: wladow, Assigned: wladow)



(Keywords: access, late-l10n, verified1.9.1)


(1 file)

As no one has responded on my bug 225680 comment 144 so far, I'm filing a new bug for fixing the temporary workaround, where "Open in a New Window" tab context menu item is using the string taken from Places and has no accesskey. I think we should fix this in 1.9.1 as well, as this is one of the new features in Fx3.5, which we shouldn't introduce with a temporary string and an accessibility issue.

There's bug 455722 already filed for adding "Duplicate tab" or a similar item, currently with uiwanted keyword set. It seems we won't take it in consideration for 1.9.1 and will use the "Open in a New Window" instead, so this bug should not be a dup of bug 455722.
Attachment #366543 - Flags: review?(
For the record, I don't really see us taking this patch any more than a working patch in bug 455722 for 3.5.

No idea how to mark up that we should make a call either or.
Flags: blocking-firefox3.1?
Keywords: access
Keywords: late-l10n
Axel, that bug is about duplicating the tab, not detaching the tab.  I think this is quite possibly worthwhile, especially since I think "open in a new window" is a little different from what really happes here.

We should do this before string freeze, IMO, and double check that we want the current string.
Attachment #366543 - Flags: review?( → review+
Comment on attachment 366543 [details] [diff] [review]
fix the menuitem, v1

r=me, thanks!
Workarounds suck, should definitely fix.
Flags: blocking-firefox3.1? → blocking-firefox3.1+
Priority: -- → P2
Comment on attachment 366543 [details] [diff] [review]
fix the menuitem, v1

(In reply to comment #2)
> We should do this before string freeze, IMO, and double check that we want the
> current string.
Mike, what do you think? Shall we take the "Open in a New Window" string, or should it be changed to let's say "Move to a New Window" or even something else?
Attachment #366543 - Flags: ui-review?(beltzner)
--> P1, as this bug will require the wider feedback of a beta release or is of sufficient complexity that we should be looking at it sooner, not later.
Priority: P2 → P1
Attachment #366543 - Flags: ui-review?(beltzner) → ui-review+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 3.2a1
Verified fixed with:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090421 Minefield/3.6a1pre ID:20090421041537

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9.1b4pre) Gecko/20090420 Shiretoko/3.5b4pre ID:20090420044915
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