Closed Bug 48258 Opened 25 years ago Closed 18 years ago

use NSPR to get random noise from machine


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugz, Assigned: neil.williams)



NSPR has incorporated the machine-specific code used by NSS to obtain random noise. NSS should remove the *rand.c files from lib/util and use NSPR calls.
Target Milestone: --- → 3.1
moving to 3.2.
Target Milestone: 3.1 → 3.2
Ian, do you not have time to work on this in 3.1?
In looking at this bug, I found that I need to implement three functions: 1. RNG_GetNoise 2. RNG_SystemInfoForRNG 3. RNG_FileForRNG (1) has a corresponding function in NSPR that can be called (PR_GetRandomNoise), and (3) can easily be written in a cross-platform manner using NSPR. However, there is no way to do (2) through NSPR. I'm looking for suggestions on how to proceed. I see the following options: 1. keep the *rand.c files in lib/util and their implementations of RNG_SystemInfoForRNG, but remove implementations of RNG_GetNoise and RNG_FileForRNG, and provide those two functions elsewhere in a cross-platform manner using NSPR. 2. Write all of the functions using NSPR, and have NSPR incorporate the functionality of RNG_SystemInfoForRNG. 3. Test the viability of PR_GetRandomNoise supplying all of the needed entropy, and simply have RNG_SystemInfoForRNG call that function. I personally have found that RNG_SystemInfoForRNG does not always provide a great deal of entropy, but then again every little bit counts. Suggestions?
I vote for option #1.
#3 sounds like a good idea, but I don't know what RNG_SystemInfoForRNG does so I can't decide whether that function belongs in NSPR. So I suggest that we implement option #1 first. Another problem that we should fix is that sysrand.c #include's those *_rand.c files but this dependency of sysrand.c on *_rand.c is not known to the makefile.
I would ask Lord for input on this decision. The decision to put the GetNoise functions into NSPR was his. I don't understand why he wanted to move only the GetNoise functions and not the others, also. So, if I were you, I'd ask him.
Blocks: 51429
QA Contact: wtc → sonmi
Target Milestone: 3.2 → 3.3
Target Milestone: 3.3 → 3.4
Set target milestone 4.0.
Target Milestone: 3.4 → 4.0
Changed the QA contact to Bishakha.
QA Contact: sonja.mirtitsch → bishakhabanerjee
In bug 131171, I asked: > By the way, I think it is a good idea to move ret_cr16.s > to lib/freebl as well. It is only used by unix_rand.c, > which has been moved to lib/freebl. Nelson responded: > Once upon a time, we were directed to move all machine/platform dependent > PRNG code into NSPR. Since then, NSPR has contained a copy of code used > to initialize the PRNG, but NSS retained its own copy also, and NSS has > never been switched to use NSPR's versions of these functions. > > I think we ought to either use NSPR's versions of these, or remove them > from NSPR. Because of our historical reluctance to use NSPR in PKCS#11 > modules, I'd guess we'll end up removing them from NSPR. I can't remove NSPR's versions of these PRNG functions until the next NSPR major release (5.0). Bob, is the PRNG code only used in the softoken? If so, NSS should be able to use NSPR's PRNG functions.
Giving this bug to Neil, who's looking at this code right now.
Assignee: bugz → neil.williams
QA Contact: bishakhabanerjee → jason.m.reid
Target Milestone: 4.0 → ---
QA Contact: jason.m.reid → libraries
Target Milestone: --- → 3.11.8
I guess we've decided it's better to continue to keep the code that gathers entropy for the PKCS#11 softoken in NSS itself, because that keeps all the code that must be FIPS evaluated in NSS. -> WONTFIX
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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