Closed Bug 48330 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Mozilla tester burned out, needs to be swapped out for replacement


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: Migration, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: elig, Assigned: elig)




(Keywords: arch, regression, Whiteboard: [nsbeta7+])

* TITLE/SUMMARY Mozilla tester burned out, needs to be swapped out for replacement * STEPS TO REPRODUCE 0) Install a relatively inexperienced black box tester from Apple Computer, Inc. to test the Macintosh version of Netscape Dial-Up Edition. 1) Cancel the Mac version after two months, and re-org the engineering department. 2) Assign tester to the most tedious drudge position in CPD. Ensure that he has an awesome manager named Lisa Chapman, and equally delightful co-workers to distract him from becoming cognizant of this. 3) Kindly grant employee request to transfer to the core browser QA team. 4) Rework the application architecture so that no platform-specific UI conventions are heeded, especially those related to the the tester's coveted Macintosh OS. 5) Observe for 18 months. * RESULT - What happened Tester exhibits overt symptoms of Browser War Syndrome. Launching daily Seamonkey builds results in repetitive strain injury and bouts of depression after 14 months; quality and quantity of bug reports asymptotically approaches zero during this time period. Tester also observed to mutter frustrated exhortations that needlessly demoralize his peers, including but not constrained to: "We're supposed to ship this WHEN?!?!?" "Here's a nickel, kid. Go get yourself a copy of the Macintosh Human Interface guidelines." - What was expected Tester should become cognizant of his exponentially diminishing contributions, and resign his position so that the Browser QA team can swap out tester for a less frazzled replacement. * WORKAROUND Unabated apathy. * REGRESSION - Occurs On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Assigning bug to self. Now that PR2 is complete, I think I can address this issue satisfactorily.
Assignee: asa → elig
QA Contact: doronr → asa
Summary: Mozilla tester burned out, needs to be swapped out for replacement → Mozilla tester burned out, needs to be swapped out for replacement
heh! Yes, this is *VERY* bad; I am suffering from a close cousin of this disease, known as 'I used to be a normal teenager'. I can remember the good ol' days, when I used to be just a kid. When I didn't have to worry about sidebars and scroll positions and C++ string bundles. When I didn't know what a 'marketing department' did (now I know they lead a company into self-destruction). Need to get this fixed asap, eli attach a patch and I'll review.
Severity: normal → major
Marking 'testcase' -- see URL field for testcase. 'pp' -- this only occurs on Mac. 'dataloss' -- as said in original report, quality of work approached 0. '4xp' -- this does not occur with previous versions or competitors. 'dogfood' -- To do work, QA must be active and happy. 'qawanted' -- I think that one's obvious! This bug has been marked "future" because the original netscape engineer working on this is over-burdened. If you feel this is an error, that you or another known resource will be working on this bug,or if it blocks your work in some way -- please attach your concern to the bug for reconsideration.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Additionally, marking 'regression'. As per bug report, this used to work fine.
Keywords: regression
I'd say donttest, he's suffered enough already. Replacing testcase keyword. Adding perf(ormance), as indicated in the original bugreport.
Keywords: testcasedonttest, perf
CC:ing additional people who may be affected by the anticipated fix.
I am marking this bug as FIXED effective August 22nd, 2000. Tester has accepted QA position at Eazel, Inc. <> Tester will be continuing to work with Mozilla when appropriate, as Eazel has embedded Gecko within Nautilus. Moreso, the company's very formation was inspired by the Mozilla announcement of 1998. That said, it's been a blast working with all of you over the past 3 years (whether you're in Mountain View or New Zealand ;), and I sincerely apologize if I've neglected to CC: someone. You can reach me at for the forseeable future. best, elig
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Good luck. Verifying.
ack. I though this was a joke. Eli: you can't leave!!! OK, you can. Will you be at the developer's conference, at least? Much luck with your new job. We'll miss you...
Thanks for many, many things, Eli. Congratulations on the new gig, but I'm sad that you're leaving. You've done a huge job on this project, and you will be greatly missed.
Blake: sorry & thanks! Re: Developer's conference. You bet! Will still have a badge that day, and would be quite happy to show you (or anyone visiting) around browser-land, and/or share employee discount at Netscape store.
Good luck, Eli. Say hi to Arlo for me.
So long, Eli, and thanks for helping fight the good fight. Hope to meet you some day. And good luck at Eazel. (You'll need it.;-)
After checking the steps to reproduce, I'm confident that FIX for this bug will be sufficient to keep it from happening for at least 21.4 months. It should also be noted that the gtkRest and gtkRelaxation widgets have to be added to the tester every so often as they tend to disappear from the UI after heavy use. When and if such a problem occurs, Eazel's Bugzilla database will now be the appropriate venue for reporting it. Welcome to the team Eli! :-)
Eli, now that we are an open source project, You Can Never Really Leave bhwwwwhaaaaahahhahahaaaaa Cheers, -Chris
If I'm correct, the most noticeable results were not: "We're supposed to ship this WHEN?!?!?" but "We're supposed to ship this?!?!?" Anyhow, that fix sucks. Changed component to Profile Migration.
Component: Browser-General → Profile Migration
Whiteboard: fooey
difficult to replace this qa component; probably not until nsbeta7. setting status whiteboard.
Whiteboard: fooey → [nsbeta7]
Eli - we'll all be sorry to see you go. :-( Without using lxr, can anyone spot the recent difference in ? We'll always remember you :-) Gerv
Eli, Thank you. -asa
Eli, good luck! I'll see you at the Dev meeting, and I WILL see you buy an Amiga within the year! Bwa ha! James
Ack! Who will I go to when I need to borrow a Mac disk? This is a more serious problem than I thought. And he's going to another of those companies where they don't know how to spell! Ave atque vale, amice!
I will certainly miss your unique brand of humor. And I won't be able to drop you off at your apartment after work any more, Darn. The best to you, Dude.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta7] → [nsbeta7+]
I miss you already, Mr. Goldberg. Where shall we find another such as this? Be happy, Peter
Best of luck at Apple 2.0! ;-) I'll miss someone walking into my cube and saying "When I do innocent action X Mozilla blows into pieces 0-1000. Is that supposed to happen?" -saari
Someone so intelligent, clever and completely amusing should not be burned out - best of luck to you Eli!
Time to raise a glass to Eli, for everything that he has done to encourage good bug testing, writing, and handling at the Mozilla Organization. His work improving the "bug writing guidelines" and creating "How to pre-screen Browser-General bugs" set a standard, as did his own careful observations and bug reporting, and the encouragement, instruction, and occasional chiding ("I think suggestions ... are only useful if someone is willing to ... ;)"). Eli, both the Mozilla Organization and Netscape have benefitted far beyond the results of the work you put in yourself; the efforts you've made to help community members be productive, and also help others be productive, have gone a long way towards encouraging the far-from-negligible contribution community members have made to keeping bug database chaos down to a dull roar, and encouraging community members to submit higher-quality bug reports. Thanks for everything, and good luck at Eazel.
Sorry to see you go, Eli! I understand. You will be much missed, especially your ability to bring up issues (and solutions) that affected end users in a calm, friendly and productive way. You are a great, passionate advocate for the Mac here at Netscape always desiring to 'do the right thing'. And a great person too. Miss ya and good luck! (say hi to ramiro!)
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> - <eli-résumé url=""> <title>Eli Goldberg's Résumé</title> <date>08/19/2000</date> <quality>Very high</quality> <availability>Currently employed</availability> </eli-résumé>
Eli, there was no one on the team whom I respected more than you. You'll be missed! But I certainly don't blame you for needing a break--frankly, I'm amazed you lasted this long. ;-) And Eazel looks like a cool company... For those of us who may not make it to Developers Day 2, any chance you'll be at LinuxWorld?
I'm sad to see Mozilla losing someone who cared so much and worked so hard to make it better, and I'll also miss seeing you in the hallways, hearing your jokes and stories and getting turned on to new CDs. Can't we find some other fix for this bug? :-/ If we have to lose you, I'm glad to hear you're going to Eazel, though ... I hope we'll still hear from you from time to time, even if it's because you're filing more bugs on Mozilla. Good luck!
Hixie verifies that this bug has partially regressed. Failure analysis at <> Does anyone know of a workaround? ;)
OS: All
You may want to work for a large and very profitable company, if possible on an open-source project, and then watch the web at large do the job at your place while your stock-options slowly mature. And, man, give me a call when you are hired, I've been stuck in that hell for too long... Thinking about it, didn't my sabbatical begin 6 minutes ago? See y'all in July!
It appears that this bug is about to regress further. Occurs on: * 2001-05-15 build Does not occur on: * 2001-05-14 build Eli, I think I speak for all of us here when I say: Narf.
Keywords: arch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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