Closed Bug 48663 Opened 25 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Publicize the Keywords and SmartFind features


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)



Mozilla/Netscape has two excellent, helpful and very intuitive features -- the ability to define your own keywords (like "quote xxx", except that's a preset), and the ability to have dynamic bookmark search menus to eliminate the need to continously re-search. Both are easy accessible through the UI, but I rarely see any publicity done on these two features, which are pretty good advantages over the competition. I think Netscape should be highlighting these features a bit more. If you want, I'll explain in detail how each feature works.
Don't move this to bugscape, please - I see no need.
Keywords: nsonly
OS: other → All
Hardware: Other → All
QA Contact: doronr → BlakeR1234
Blake, please do add a little bit of "how do I?" info on those two features to this bug. I've started writing up documentation for Netscape 6 for my ISP, and of course one webpage will be devoted to new and useful features. Others may wish to do the same. Presumably "enough" info will appear in the online help when the RTM version ships, but I'd rather have the writing done by then ;-) Thanks.
reassigning to tpringle since he now owns search and keyword issues in the PM world
Assignee: johng → tpringle
Smart Find queries are accessible through the UI? how?
Depends on: 200136
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Severity: normal → trivial
Assignee: tpringle → general
Priority: P3 → --
QA Contact: bugzilla → general
Assignee: general → nobody
Component: General →
Product: SeaMonkey → Websites
QA Contact: general → spreadfirefox-com
Version: Trunk → other
Not sure why this old bug is showing up. Resolving as invalid.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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