Closed Bug 490244 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

crash on reiss' pieces blog


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: blassey, Unassigned)




fennec crashes while panning this page consistantly
this is a data type misalignment crash, so I'm assuming its the pixman crash tracked by bug 489594.  I'm building with symbols now to get a stack.
Summary: crash on reises pieces blog → crash on reiss' pieces blog
This is happening in fbCompositSrcAdd, so I'm going to dupe to bug 489594

 7AB312E8  stmdb       sp!, {r4 - r8, r11, lr} 
 7AB312EC  add         r11, sp, #0x18 
 7AB312F0  ldr         r2, [r1, #0x78] 
 7AB312F4  ldr         r4, [r3, #0x78] 
 7AB312F8  ldrsh       r0, [r11, #8] 
 7AB312FC  ldrsh       r12, [r11, #0x18] 
 7AB31300  mov         r8, r2, lsl #2 
 7AB31304  ldr         lr, [r1, #0x70] 
 7AB31308  ldr         r2, [r3, #0x70] 
 7AB3130C  mov         r7, r4, lsl #2 
 7AB31310  ldrsh       r3, [r11, #4] 
 7AB31314  ldrh        r4, [r11, #0x20] 
 7AB31318  mla         r0, r8, r0, lr 
 7AB3131C  mla         r12, r7, r12, r2 
 7AB31320  ldrsh       r2, [r11, #0x14] 
 7AB31324  add         r5, r0, r3 
 7AB31328  sub         r3, r4, #1 
 7AB3132C  add         r12, r12, r2 
 7AB31330  ldr         r2, [pc, #0xDC] 
 7AB31334  uxth        r4, r3 
 7AB31338  cmp         r4, r2 
 7AB3133C  ldrh        r6, [r11, #0x1C] 
 7AB31340  beq         7AB313A8 
 7AB31344  cmp         r6, #0 
 7AB31348  beq         7AB3138C 
 7AB3134C  tst         r12, #3 
 7AB31350  beq         7AB313AC 
 7AB31354  mov         lr, r12 
 7AB31358  mov         r0, r5 
 7AB3135C  mov         r1, r6 
 7AB31360  b           7AB3136C 
 7AB31364  tst         lr, #3 
 7AB31368  beq         7AB313B8 
 7AB3136C  sub         r3, r1, #1 
 7AB31370  ldrb        r2, [lr] 
 7AB31374  uxth        r1, r3 
 7AB31378  cmp         r1, #0 
 7AB3137C  ldrb        r3, [r0], #1 
 7AB31380  uqadd8      r2, r3, r2 
 7AB31384  strb        r2, [lr], #1 
 7AB31388  bne         7AB31364 
 7AB3138C  add         r12, r12, r7 
 7AB31390  add         r5, r5, r8 
 7AB31394  sub         r3, r4, #1 
 7AB31398  ldr         r2, [pc, #0x74] 
 7AB3139C  uxth        r4, r3 
 7AB313A0  cmp         r4, r2 
 7AB313A4  bne         7AB31344 
 7AB313A8  ldmia       sp!, {r4 - r8, r11, pc} 
 7AB313AC  mov         r1, r6 
 7AB313B0  mov         lr, r12 
 7AB313B4  mov         r0, r5 
 7AB313B8  cmp         r1, #3 
 7AB313BC  bls         7AB313E8 
 7AB313C0  sub         r3, r1, #4 
>7AB313C4  ldr         r2, [r0], #4 
 7AB313C8  uxth        r1, r3 
 7AB313CC  cmp         r1, #3 
 7AB313D0  ldr         r3, [lr] 
 7AB313D4  uqadd8      r2, r2, r3 
 7AB313D8  str         r2, [lr], #4 
 7AB313DC  bhi         7AB313C0 
 7AB313E0  cmp         r1, #0 
 7AB313E4  beq         7AB3138C 
 7AB313E8  sub         r3, r1, #1 
 7AB313EC  ldrb        r2, [lr] 
 7AB313F0  uxth        r1, r3 
 7AB313F4  cmp         r1, #0 
 7AB313F8  ldrb        r3, [r0], #1 
 7AB313FC  uqadd8      r2, r3, r2 
 7AB31400  strb        r2, [lr], #1 
 7AB31404  bne         7AB313E8 
 7AB31408  add         r12, r12, r7 
 7AB3140C  add         r5, r5, r8 
 7AB31410  b           7AB31394 
 7AB31414  streqd      pc, [r0], -pc
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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