Bug 493256
Opened 16 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
Reconcile doesn't handle removed items correctly
(Cloud Services :: General, defect)
Cloud Services
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jwkbugzilla, Assigned: Mardak)
(1 file)
1004 bytes,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
I am writing a sync engine for Adblock Plus. When an item is removed on one computer, the other only gets the notification about the removal if it *doesn't* have this item. I checked and the problem seems to be reconciliation, more precisely the second step. There Weave checks whether the incoming item is identical to the existing item. It calls SyncEngine._isEqual() which returns true - because it ignores the payload property and all the other properties are equal. I added the following override to my engine class:
_isEqual: function(item)
if (!item.payload)
return false;
return this.__proto__.__proto__._isEqual.apply(this, arguments);
Note that checking the payload property of the local item is not necessary - it is already known to exist so it should be non-null. This seems to fix the issue (there are still some glitches so I am not 100% sure).
I tested with Weave 0.3 but the code seems unchanged in version 0.3.2.
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•16 years ago
SyncEngine__isEqual should be checking the payload indirectly through cleartext:
Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext)
payload is the encrypted version except in the case of a deleted record, it's "".
What does your adblock plus record look like? Are you directly setting the payload or the cleartext? (Data records should have __proto__ set to CryptoWrapper.prototype and set values in cleartext so that CryptoWrapper will encrypt the cleartext data into the payload.)
But I suppose if you didn't want things encrypted, you could inherit from WBORecord (like clients engine).
Either way, this is still a bug because the sync engine incorrectly assumes Crypto records in various places.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #0)
> _isEqual: function(item)
> if (!item.payload)
> return false;
It's possible for two machines to delete the same record, so they should be considered equal.
Updated•16 years ago
Attachment #377712 -
Flags: review?(thunder) → review+
Comment 3•16 years ago
Comment on attachment 377712 [details] [diff] [review]
Won't this catch the deleted case also?
Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext)) {
But either way, r+
Comment 4•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> But I suppose if you didn't want things encrypted, you could inherit from
> WBORecord (like clients engine).
> Either way, this is still a bug because the sync engine incorrectly assumes
> Crypto records in various places.
Maybe we should bake the crypto stuff into the base class and use other methods for specifying non-encrypted data? (e.g., set a cryptoAlgorithm property to 'none')
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•16 years ago
What would be use cases of engines not wanting to encrypt their data -- especially if in the UI we show that we always encrypt data put on the server? Should clients use cryptowrapper as well?
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•16 years ago
Have engines check if the deleted flag is the same for _isEqual.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: -- → 0.4
Comment 7•16 years ago
It would make some testing a little easier (currently you can't turn it off, and that means you can only check state during a sync when stuff gets logged).
It would also make sense to not encrypt data if I'm using my own server, for example.
Reporter | ||
Comment 8•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> SyncEngine__isEqual should be checking the payload indirectly through
> cleartext:
> Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext)
Yes, I guessed that - but it doesn't work for some reason. local.cleartext is {disabled: false} in this case, maybe Utils.deepEqual() cannot distinguish it from {} (either way, there are other records that don't have any data at all).
Reporter | ||
Comment 9•16 years ago
My guess was correct, filed bug 493363 on Utils.deepEqual() issues.
Updated•16 years ago
Component: Weave → General
Product: Mozilla Labs → Weave
Version: 0.3 → unspecified
Updated•16 years ago
QA Contact: weave → general
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