Closed Bug 493256 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Reconcile doesn't handle removed items correctly


(Cloud Services :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jwkbugzilla, Assigned: Mardak)




(1 file)

I am writing a sync engine for Adblock Plus. When an item is removed on one computer, the other only gets the notification about the removal if it *doesn't* have this item. I checked and the problem seems to be reconciliation, more precisely the second step. There Weave checks whether the incoming item is identical to the existing item. It calls SyncEngine._isEqual() which returns true - because it ignores the payload property and all the other properties are equal. I added the following override to my engine class: _isEqual: function(item) { if (!item.payload) return false; return this.__proto__.__proto__._isEqual.apply(this, arguments); } Note that checking the payload property of the local item is not necessary - it is already known to exist so it should be non-null. This seems to fix the issue (there are still some glitches so I am not 100% sure). I tested with Weave 0.3 but the code seems unchanged in version 0.3.2.
SyncEngine__isEqual should be checking the payload indirectly through cleartext: Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext) payload is the encrypted version except in the case of a deleted record, it's "". What does your adblock plus record look like? Are you directly setting the payload or the cleartext? (Data records should have __proto__ set to CryptoWrapper.prototype and set values in cleartext so that CryptoWrapper will encrypt the cleartext data into the payload.) But I suppose if you didn't want things encrypted, you could inherit from WBORecord (like clients engine). Either way, this is still a bug because the sync engine incorrectly assumes Crypto records in various places.
Attached patch v1Splinter Review
(In reply to comment #0) > _isEqual: function(item) > if (!item.payload) > return false; It's possible for two machines to delete the same record, so they should be considered equal.
Assignee: nobody → edilee
Attachment #377712 - Flags: review?(thunder)
Attachment #377712 - Flags: review?(thunder) → review+
Comment on attachment 377712 [details] [diff] [review] v1 Won't this catch the deleted case also? Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext)) { But either way, r+
(In reply to comment #1) > But I suppose if you didn't want things encrypted, you could inherit from > WBORecord (like clients engine). > > Either way, this is still a bug because the sync engine incorrectly assumes > Crypto records in various places. Maybe we should bake the crypto stuff into the base class and use other methods for specifying non-encrypted data? (e.g., set a cryptoAlgorithm property to 'none')
What would be use cases of engines not wanting to encrypt their data -- especially if in the UI we show that we always encrypt data put on the server? Should clients use cryptowrapper as well? Have engines check if the deleted flag is the same for _isEqual.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: -- → 0.4
It would make some testing a little easier (currently you can't turn it off, and that means you can only check state during a sync when stuff gets logged). It would also make sense to not encrypt data if I'm using my own server, for example.
(In reply to comment #1) > SyncEngine__isEqual should be checking the payload indirectly through > cleartext: > Utils.deepEquals(item.cleartext, local.cleartext) Yes, I guessed that - but it doesn't work for some reason. local.cleartext is {disabled: false} in this case, maybe Utils.deepEqual() cannot distinguish it from {} (either way, there are other records that don't have any data at all).
My guess was correct, filed bug 493363 on Utils.deepEqual() issues.
Component: Weave → General
Product: Mozilla Labs → Weave
Version: 0.3 → unspecified
QA Contact: weave → general
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