Closed Bug 498560 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

For video that need high system resource, adjust Tempo of video to match actual speed


(Core :: Audio/Video, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: BijuMailList, Unassigned)



Thanks to fix for Bug 494116, Bug 494120, Bug 466699, bug 470639 Now I am able to watch many Videos on my Celeron 1.20Hz PC But I see for a big video the "Tempo" get changed. ie, the media sized video at will play little stretched, a one second part of video will complete only by 1.25 second. Is it possible to increase Tempo automatically so that a 1 second part of movie play exactly 1 second long. I have a JS to find actual skip. (function(){ var _ = window; _.videolist = document.getElementsByTagName('video'); _.videocurr=0; if(_.videolist.length > 1){ var msg = "There are " + _.videolist.length + " videos, Choose 1, 2 ..."; _.videocurr = (prompt(msg ,"") * 1 || 1) - 1; } _.video_scan || (_.video_scan = setInterval(showspeed,2000)); _.videolasttime = new Date(); _.videolastpos = 0; function showspeed(){ var currtime = new Date(); var currpos = _.videolist[_.videocurr].currentTime; var diffpos = (currpos - _.videolastpos) * 1000; var difftime = currtime - _.videolasttime; document.title = "Tempo Ratio (expected = 1) : " + diffpos / difftime ; _.videolasttime = currtime ; _.videolastpos = currpos; } })(); Usage and Test Steps:- 1. get a PC with low performance, and latest trunk Firefox installed 2. install "shell" bookmarklet from 3. go to a website with video 4. Launch "shell" bookmarklet 5. run my JS "to find actual skip" 6. look at the title bar Actual : A speed of less than 1 is shown on title bar. Expected : A speed/tempo ratio shown at title bar should be approximately 1.
Blocks: 476397
Our keyframe skipping logic which we added in the new decoder backend should kick in and ensure that we keep playing audio when the video decode is having trouble keeping up. We should have a smooth timeline progression now (provided enough data is buffered), so I'm closing this bug. Please reopen if this still happens on trunk nightlies.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Finding a PC with low performance will be a challenge. Marking this verified on faith. As with comment 1, please reopen if you can reproduce.
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