Closed Bug 499413 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[httpd.js] Check for httpd.js server connection before starting a test


(Testing Graveyard :: Mozmill, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Unassigned)



Now that we have fixed bug 491216 (offline mode) we have to think about a way how to make it possible for Mozmill to run tests which need httpd.js while staying inside offline mode. It looks like that all connections are getting dropped when the offline mode is entered. That's why we also loose the connection to the httpd.js instance. We should check for a connection before any test gets started. So we can make sure we always have a running http server and don't fail due to connection loss. Mikeal, I don't think that this would be too hard to implement, or?
Priority: -- → P3
This is very hard to implement, actually. The issue here is that httpd will be running, then offline mode kills it, and we need to bring it back up before someone tries to access it. At the point that httpd is killed by offline mode we've already collected all tests, which means we can't check for the httpd server at the time you've declared your dependency on it. So our problem is: "When do we check if the server is live and restart it?" If there is a reliable event that gets fired somewhere when offline mode gets turned on we can restart it then, but I don't know of such an event.
Depends on: 546640
Summary: Check for httpd.js server connection before starting a test → [httpd.js] Check for httpd.js server connection before starting a test
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0?]
Henrik, why on earth do you need this?
This bug is not valid anymore with the changes we will have for Mozmill 2.0
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Whiteboard: [mozmill-2.0?]
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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