Closed Bug 501377 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

"Download" links for videos on various sites don't download, but play


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gerv, Assigned: jslater)




When you click "Download", the video opens and plays in a new window instead. 

E.g. the link you get when you click "Take a Tour of Firefox 3.5" on . But this seems to be a standard form we are using, with the two download links for Theora and MPEG-4, so I'm assuming it's elsewhere as well.

We need to use Content-Disposition to force a download dialog.

(The reason I wanted to download it is that audio isn't working. But that's a separate issue :-)

Can't you just right click and download at that point? (am assuming you're talking about the ogg version here)
Yes, you can, assuming you know you can do that (which not everyone necessarily will - context menus are, believe it or not, an advanced feature for many users). But if I click a link marked "Download", that's what I expect to happen. We should either make it happen or change the link text.

Setting as minor, the only people affected are people with browsers that don't support the video tag which is the target audience of this page. Others do get a download.

I agree with you Gerv, I'll put it on my TODO list, but it means changing the text for all locales on mozilla-europe so it will take a bit of time to get that updated there (especially since it's holidays for many localizers and staff members).
Severity: normal → minor
>the only people affected are people with browsers that don't support the video tag 

that "support", sorry. That is IE users or people with older versions of Firefox do get a download.
While setting the content-disposition of the ogv files to spawn a download window is technically the "right" thing to do, since the browser does a good job of displaying the videos now, I agree that we shouldn't do this. I also agree that "Download" is probably a bad term to use in thinks.

How about we just drop "Download video in" from the links. So, instead of:
 * Download video in open video format (Ogg Theora)
 * Download video in MPEG-4 format

We have:
 * Open video format (Ogg Theora)
 * MPEG-4 format
(In reply to comment #5)
> How about we just drop "Download video in" from the links. So, instead of:
>  * Download video in open video format (Ogg Theora)
>  * Download video in MPEG-4 format
> We have:
>  * Open video format (Ogg Theora)
>  * MPEG-4 format

Works for me, thanks.
Done in trunk in r29724. Merged to stage in r29726.

One file to merge to production:
Just pushed the file...should be all set.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This bug was filed against Mozilla Europe's website, but was fixed on, en-US; is this just a change localizers will pick up, and eventually make its way to (via Pascal?)

We should also make this fix on the links to the videos on, but that's a separate bug.
Component: →
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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