Closed Bug 502022 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Doesn't preview in a browser when choose Firefox 3.5 from Dreamweaver CS4 and CS3


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: abilinski, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [CLOSEME 2011-1-30])

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5 I tried the trick with removing browsers and adding it back again, but it doesn't work. I swapped Firefox 3.5 as a secondary browser, because I thought maybe was something wrong with the shortcut, but no luck either. Safari and Opera were OK on both, as Primary and Secondary, so there is definitely a problem with Firefox 3.5, I think. Version 3.0 was OK. Reproducible: Always
Could you please read and comment with what exactly the problem is, exact steps to reproduce the issue, screenshots/screencast if needed, also if there are any errors in the error console.
The same anger: Dreamweaver site.php local is open. I go to Preview in FF 3.5. Nothing happens. the same procedure with Safari or Opera works fine. Screenshot is not possible, because nothing happens. But Dreamweaver produces a Log.file: Gestartet: 05.07.09 19:10 Uhr termine:index.php - identisch - nicht übertragen styles:2colf.css - identisch - nicht übertragen - identisch - nicht übertragen bilder:logo_klein.gif - identisch - nicht übertragen termine:bilder:mahnmal-k.jpg - identisch - nicht übertragen Library:pfeil_rot.lbi - identisch - nicht übertragen bilder:pfeilup_r.gif - identisch - nicht übertragen termine:bilder:theaterwalf..jpg - identisch - nicht übertragen … … … termine:bilder:Ausst.Marc1.jpg - identisch - nicht übertragen - identisch - nicht übertragen bilder:bank_logo.jpg - identisch - nicht übertragen Dateivorgang abgeschlossen. Dateien übersprungen: 26 Beendet: 05.07.09 19:10 Uhr Do it looks like DW thinks that the command is "synchronize or upload" instead of preview in FF. When I type the localURL (http://localhost/~User/neueelt/index.php) FF shows the site as usual. iMac 22", intel core 2, OS X 10.5.7 - My Mac and I speak German.
The page is PHP and the bug is something with the preview from Dreamweaver to the local PHP server on Mac with Firefox. It works with a direct link to you localhost as you stated but the preview from Dreamweaver to Firfox won't properly preview a PHP file from the localhost. It works with HTML files fine but the moment you use a local testing server with server side scripting Firefox won't preview from Dreamweaver CS4 even though 3.0 worked and there has not been any updates to Dreamwaver CS4 since then.
I have a temporary fix for this problem. In the URL field, delete one of the slashes after "file:///" and hit enter or return. The page from Dreamweaver that you're trying to preview will then load. When it does, that slash gets put back. I'm hoping this might lead to a fix.
Hi, Ist a long time, that I had this bug. Now I work with Snow leopard /10.6.2 and perhaps Dreamweaver is also updatet ( So I have no troubles anymore! :-) thank anyway for your suggestion. but I hope, if you type a Url, you have only to shlashes (see above File: ///").
Thanks for your comment. It's not I who types the url, but Dreamweaver, when it tries to preview the file in Firefox - and it does use 3 slashes: file:///iMac%20HD/Users/paul/Desktop/... I remove one of them - hit return - and the page comes up, with the third slash put back in place. When I preview using Safari or Opera, Dreamweaver uses the same url - with 3 slashes. I look forward to all that being fixed when I upgrade to Snow Leopard, but right now I'm working with OS X 10.5.8 & DW CS3 (v 9.0) Paul
I anderstand. But I have as Path in Testserver-Section oft Dreamweaver: http://localhost/~User=I/name of the site/ no problemes anymore. Dreamweaver in CS 4 and OS X 20.6.2. I don't remember, who I have fixed the trouble with 10.5.8. Sorry salome
I have the same problems as described above. I'm using Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a) with Dreamweaver CS3. I had just downloaded FF 3.6 and problem persists. If you click to see in browser nothing happens. Then if I close firefox(exit program) then it will come up, but once FF is open after this preview then it will not work again unless I close FF(exit). I tried all suggestion above, but no good.
Having the same issue Mac OS 10.5.8. w/ Dreamweaver CS4. Tried previewing by dragging html Index file over FF logo. Nothing happens. Issue began when I reinstalled both new op system on Mac and downloaded Firefox 3.6. Prior to that it seemed okay.
Found solution to issue. I moved the local folder to the desktop and it worked. Appears you have to move the (root folder) folder containing site materials (ie. index.html and all related files) to a place of better point of access. Thanks-
The Bug is coming again! Now, with FF 3.6 I have the same Problem (as written above): FF 3.6 cannot show a php-site in the Dreamweaaver-Preview. If I write the whole Url e.g "http://localhost/~User/mysite/termine/index.php" in the Adress-line, I can see my site. No Problems with Safari or Opera! Thank for change this in the next update. salome
Reporter, are you still seeing this issue with Firefox 3.6.13 or later in safe mode? If not, please close. These links can help you in your testing. You can also try to reproduce in Firefox 4 Beta 8 or later, there are many improvements in the new version,
Whiteboard: [CLOSEME 2011-1-30]
No reply, INCOMPLETE. Please retest with Firefox 3.6.13 or later and a new profile ( If you continue to see this issue with the newest firefox and a new profile, then please comment on this bug.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
State: Firefox 3.6.13 not default browser OS: Mac OS X 10.6.6/ 2.8GHz Intel Xeon APP: Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Preview/debug HTML function Dreamweaver. Condition A: When click, but Firefox has not beeen open yet, Firefox doesn't find page. Browser opens to default homepage. Condition B: If Firefox is already open then preview/debug function from dreamweaver does work.
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