Closed Bug 507249 Opened 15 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Call sites that potentially allocate large amounts of memory should use fallible allocators


(Core :: XPCOM, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: cjones, Unassigned)



(Keywords: student-project)

Bug 507082 will land with all Gecko code using the fallible variants of the moz_ allocators.  This bug covers finding the locations of "large" allocations and manually switching them over to moz_alloc or ::operator new(fallible), keeping (or adding) OOM handling.
No longer blocks: 507252
Depends on: 441324
No longer depends on: 507082
bsmedberg suggests that a good way to automatically find these sites is to write a dtrace script that checks the size passed to malloc.  If the size is greater than some threshold, say 1k, then the dtrace would log the size and a few stack frames below the malloc.  Somehow we would incrementally process, or post-process, this data to find the set of unique "large allocation" sites.

Rob, can you tackle this or suggest another dtrace ninja who might?
You don't need to be a dtrace ninja to do this, I'm pretty sure, and it would be a good introduction to using the tool.  A newsgroup or blog call for help might well turn up someone who wants to spend an hour or three learning dtrace and gathering some initial data.
Keywords: student-project
Summary: Sites that potentially allocate large amounts of memory should use fallible allocators → Call sites that potentially allocate large amounts of memory should use fallible allocators
It's easy to get stack traces with Valgrind, see  I can do that and get a list of >1KB allocation sites.
Yes, that would be very useful.
It's been a while since Jan'11. Has anyone had a chance to work on this?
No updates.  If you would like to tackle this bug, please do!
We do a good job of figuring this out through crash-stats, so I don't think this bug is useful anymore.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
mozalloc_macro_wrappers.h has a reference to this bug, saying:
> 15  * FIXME: use infallible allocators by default after 
> 16  *
> 17  * lands.
> 18  */

Given comment 7's WORKSFORME resolution (and given karl's synopsis in bug 581478 comment 1), it sounds to me like mozalloc_macro_wrappers.h might be no longer needed and can be removed.  Is that correct?

(If so, that would be great, as its "#define free" is busting some Skia headers which define local functions called "free()" -- see bug 924768.)
Blocks: 926275
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