Closed Bug 508974 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Create migration script from Bouncer database to Mirror Brain database


(Webtools :: Bouncer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: morgamic, Assigned: griswolf)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

In order to test MB we need to set up our products in MB and slam it. First part of that is attaining parity between the two in terms of size and volume. Steps: 1. map bouncer tables to mb tables (flatten if necessary) 2. create corresponding entries for mirrors, weights, products, etc. in the MB db
MB SQL is here: Frank - we'll talk about this next week.
Blocks: 482160
Frank - how are things progressing? Can you give an estimate on when you'll be done?
We are going to do this in three parts: Part 1: Use script (attached) to convert the bouncer data in situ to mirrorbrain structure, all within mysql. This creates several tables and populates three of them: file, server, file_server (a mapping table) Part 2: Use mirror-brain scripts pulled from their svn to create and partly populate the postgres side: URL: URL: Part 3: Convert the data from part 1 to postgres
Attached is Python script that will migrate a MySQL based Bouncer instance to the schema of MirrorBrain running under PostgreSQL. It is likely that some tweaks are going to be necessary as we learn more about MirrorBrain. > ./ --help Bouncer to MirrorBrain 0.1 --bouncerDatabaseHost the hostname of the bouncer database server (default: localhost) --bouncerDatabaseName the name of the database within the server (default: bouncer) --bouncerDatabasePassword the password for the database user (default: ) --bouncerDatabaseUserName the user name for the database servers (default: root) -?, --help print this list --logFileErrorLoggingLevel logging level for the log file (10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR, 50 - CRITICAL) (default: 10) --logFileLineFormatString python logging system format for log file entries (default: %(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s) --logFileMaximumBackupHistory maximum number of log files to keep (default: 50) --logFileMaximumSize maximum size in bytes of the log file (default: 1000000) --logFilePathname full pathname for the log file (default: ./bouncer2mb.log) --mirrorBrainDatabaseHost the hostname of the bouncer database server (default: localhost) --mirrorBrainDatabaseName the name of the database within the server (default: mirrorbrain) --mirrorBrainDatabasePassword the password for the database user (default: ) --mirrorBrainDatabaseUserName the user name for the database servers (default: root) --stderrErrorLoggingLevel logging level for the logging to stderr (10 - DEBUG, 20 - INFO, 30 - WARNING, 40 - ERROR, 50 - CRITICAL) (default: 20) --stderrLineFormatString python logging system format for logging to stderr (default: %(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s)
Comment on attachment 403505 [details] Converts bouncer to mirror-brain schema, within mysql database replaced by python script also attached
Attachment #403505 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #403573 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #403573 - Attachment mime type: application/x-tar → text/plain
Is this bug "FIXED"?
This bug isn't "FIXED" until the script is executed and we work out any changes that need to be made. I'm just waiting for someone to use it and tell me how it went...
We have decided in late 2009 that Bouncer is currently serving our needs relatively well and we won't switch to MirrorBrain at this time.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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