Open Bug 510394 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Add a way to get premultiplied data from a canvas


(Core :: Graphics, task)





(Reporter: jrmuizel, Unassigned)



(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [shumway])


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

get/putImageData on a canvas currently deal with non-premultiplied data. We store the data in a premultiplied form so there is a conversion cost any time these functions are called. It would be nice if authors could avoid this cost.

The best way to fix this is probably to add a format parameter to get/putImageData that specifies premultiplied data.
Please keep in mind that there are already optional parameters get/putImageData can have per the HTML5 draft...
This change sounds like a good mentored bug. If it's still relevant can you mentor this Jeff?
Whiteboard: followup
Whiteboard: followup → benwa_followup
Discussed with Jeff, we dont want to make this a mentored bug because we would like to suggest a web api for this once we see some applications bottle-necking on getImageData
Whiteboard: benwa_followup
We have a need for this in Shumway. We are currently implementing (Flash) filters, and they generally operate on premultiplied data, we thus have to premultiply before applying filters (after getImageData), and un-premultiply after (before putImageData). This is unfortunate because it reduces performance and precision (rounding).

Proposed API:

Add "premultipled" property to ImageData (Boolean, read-only)

Add optional "premultipled" arguments to:
  - ImageData(data, sw, sh [,premultipled=false])
  - ImageData createImageData(sw, sh [,premultipled=false]);
  - ImageData getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh [,premultipled=false]);

The resulting ImageData then contains non-premultiplied data (premultipled=false) or premultiplied data (premultipled=true). ImageData.premultipled is set accordingly.

Other methods respect ImageData.premultipled and operate accordingly (e.g., putImageData does not premultiply when ImageData.premultipled is true).
Attached patch rev1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Implements the API i proposed in - (the only deviation being that i moz-prefixed ImageData.premultiplied -> ImageData.mozPremultiplied)
Attachment #8350987 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar)
Attachment #8350987 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar)
Attached patch rev2Splinter Review
Implements the API i proposed in - (the only deviation being that i moz-prefixed ImageData.premultiplied -> ImageData.mozPremultiplied)
Attachment #8350987 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8350995 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar)
We are generally aiming to not add new prefixed DOM APIs.  See <>.  I assume the sr you were planning to request here would have caught that.

The right way to go about doing this is probably:

1)  Raise a spec issue to add the functionality to the spec.  Unless that's already been
2)  If you can't wait for the spec, implement the functionality as a separate function
    (e.g. getImageDataPremultiplied/createImageDataPremultiplied) that's preffed off by
    default but allowed in either the Shumway scope or if some pref is set (the latter so
    that web developers can experiment with it as needed).  That's assuming you ever plan
    to expose it to the web.

This does make |new ImageData| a bit difficult, but you could use a static method on the ImageData interface, which is also preffed off by default...
Comment on attachment 8350995 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8350995 [details] [diff] [review]:

This seems to be a diff from the previous version. Also what bz said about standardization.
Attachment #8350995 - Flags: review?(jmuizelaar) → review-
This would be useful for Shumway, but we would not need it if we got CSS/SVG Filters for Canvas (bug 927892).
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Whiteboard: [shumway]
One question to answer about this is what to do if the provided premultiplied data has values that are greater than the alpha values. The way we deal with this kind of data in the platform is undefined. i.e. Skia and cairo do different things.
Keywords: feature
Keywords: perf
Blocks: 927828
We currently do premultiplication in JS. What is the maximum potential performance improvement? Milan recommends benchmarking with and without our JS premultiplication (even if the result looks bad during the test).
Assignee: nobody → mbebenita
One thing to note about exposing premultiplied data to js is that allows super luminescent pixels (where the alpha is less than the color value) this produces undefined results on some of our backends (notably skia). It's probably worth asking if we're comfortable with that.
Attached file Benchmark.
Firefox 35 - unpremultiply 25ms, putImageData: 30ms ~ 16 fps.
Chrome 39 - unpremultiply 29ms, putImageData: 5ms ~ 30 fps.

This is all unnecessary overhead, and would completely disappear if we had a way to upload premultiplied data with putImageData.
Attachment #8494782 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → text/html
This is still highly relevant for Shumway, but doesn't block us from shipping.
Blocks: shumway-later
No longer blocks: shumway-m4
Type: defect → task

The bug assignee didn't login in Bugzilla in the last 7 months.
:bhood, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Assignee: mbebenita → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(bhood)
Flags: needinfo?(bhood)
Severity: normal → S3
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