Closed Bug 511282 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

run fennec unittests on intel linux machines


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: jhford)



(Whiteboard: [mobile][unittest])


(2 files, 5 obsolete files)

on change, then change the n810s to run on nightlies. This would apply to m-c, m-1.9.2, and tm currently. Adding more linux slaves to deal with the added load would be the Right Thing To Do.
(In reply to comment #1) > Adding more linux slaves to deal with the added load would be the Right Thing > To Do. I filed bug#510604 last week for exactly this.
I think this is the right bug: Joel: Did you run unittests on Fennec desktop with Maemkit, or without?
you don't need maemkit, but it helps when mochitest crashes. I developed maemkit on desktop fennec linux
Blocks: maemo4
We're planning on having Maemo4 (done), Maemo5, and WinMo unit tests all on device by EOQ1. The Mobile team has a Q1 goal of getting unit tests green and useful. If the unit tests on device are actually looked at, it makes desktop Fennec unit tests less urgent. Not on Q1 goals list; futuring.
Assignee: aki → nobody
Component: Release Engineering → Release Engineering: Future
Mass move of bugs from Release Engineering:Future -> Release Engineering. See for more details.
Component: Release Engineering: Future → Release Engineering
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [mobile][unittest]
Assignee: nobody → jhford
Whiteboard: [mobile][unittest] → [mobile][unittest][triage]
Whiteboard: [mobile][unittest][triage] → [mobile][unittest][triagefollowup]
I just did a test using a slightly modified UnittestPackagedBuildFactory with some basic information of fennec hardcoded (i.e. --appname=fennec/fennec instead of firefox/firefox-bin). Basically, I ran the standard firefox unit test commands on a fennec tarball + tests zip. Non-mochitest actually went pretty well: jsreftest - green 53990/0/1055 reftest - orange 4713/74/277 'opengl' - lots of failures and eventually a crash xpcshell - lots of passes until [1], then 1200 seconds without output crashtest - orange 1648/2/10 Mochitest, however, didn't work so well: mochitest 1-5 - don't start properly mochitest-chrome - doesn't start properly [2] mochitest-a11y - doesn't start properly mochitest-browser-chrome - orange 320/0/9 (error was rc:245) [3] There were lots of crashses. Because symbols aren't uploaded beside the dep-linux builds, I was using a dummy symbols archive resulting in not being able resolve symbols. Uploading symbols archives will begin before this would land. This also looks like a good usage for maemkit :) Notes Below: ================================================================================ [1] '/home/cltbld/talos-slave/mozilla-central_fedora_test-xpcshell/build/xpcshell/tests/test_extensionmanager/xpcshell/test_AddonRepository.js [2] INFO | | Server pid: 1969 INFO | | Websocket server pid: 1974 INFO | | Running tests: start. pk12util: PKCS12 IMPORT SUCCESSFUL INFO | | SSL tunnel pid: 1982 INFO | | Application pid: 1983 Server listening on port 4443 with cert pgo server certificate creating 1! [TabChild] MOVE to (x,y)=(0d, 0d), (w,h)= (0d, 0d) ###################################### forms.js loaded ###################################### content loaded !! remote browser loaded loading about:blank, 1 loading http://mochi.test:8888/redirect.html?autorun=1&closeWhenDone=1&consoleLevel=INFO, 1 [TabChild] MOVE to (x,y)=(0d, 0d), (w,h)= (0d, 0d) [TabChild] MOVE to (x,y)=(0d, 0d), (w,h)= (800d, 500d) ###!!! [Child][SyncChannel] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv ###!!! [Child][AsyncChannel] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | | Exited with code 1 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:00:03.171138 INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpwd0awypidlog ==> process 1983 launched child process 1999 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 1999 PROCESS-CRASH | | application crashed (minidump found) Operating system: Linux 0.0.0 Linux #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:25:57 EST 2009 i686 CPU: x86 GenuineIntel family 6 model 23 stepping 10 2 CPUs Crash reason: SIGSEGV Crash address: 0x0 [3] TEST-START | Shutdown NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Shutdown | Exited with code -11 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:00:29.018338 INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpic9pD2pidlog ==> process 2025 launched child process 2041 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2041 WARNING | automationutils.processLeakLog() | refcount logging is off, so leaks can't be detected! INFO | | Running tests: end. program finished with exit code 245 elapsedTime=30.354912
Depends on: 557336
Summary: run fennec unittests on linux VMs → run fennec unittests on intel linux machines
Whiteboard: [mobile][unittest][triagefollowup] → [mobile][unittest]
problem [2] is bug 590121. problem [3] is something that we need to fix. There are a few random oranges in browser-chrome for mobile and we are working on fixing those. With the normal chunking (M1-M5) we don't need to use maemkit on a linux desktop (or VM)
(In reply to comment #7) > problem [2] is bug 590121. gtk, thanks :) > problem [3] is something that we need to fix. There are a few random oranges > in browser-chrome for mobile and we are working on fixing those. Cool, the weird thing there was that it had 0 unexpected failures. > With the normal chunking (M1-M5) we don't need to use maemkit on a linux > desktop (or VM) Is it that we don't want maemkit or is it that maemkit just wouldn't do anything useful?
we wouldn't need maemkit, but there would be no harm in using it. Ideally we would move away from maemkit as we get more serious about our unittests. Right now the majority of maemkit functionality is already built into the core test harnesses. There are some additional things like changing timeouts that we can do with extra cli options to the standard harnesses now. But with the chunking and process management we have in all harnesses by default, we can do X # of chunks and produce results with the default mozilla-central harnesses.
Going to be working on these bugs
Priority: P3 → P2
one thing you might want to consider for mochitest 1-5 is to turn off IPC by doing a: python --browser-arg="browser.tabs.remote=false" ... Currently Fennec is the only product with IPC on by default and there are hundreds of individual test case files that will be broken in an unkind fashion. For browser-chrome we have worked around the issues and for chrome I don't know how many of the tests cross the chrome<->content boundaries.
Attached patch buildbot-configs v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch adds the required configuration logic to add mobile builds to test-master02.
Attachment #476334 - Flags: feedback?(catlee)
Attached patch buildbotcustom v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch adds the require logic in the factory to run fennec unit tests on talos masters. A couple notes: -checking for 'mobile' in the 'name_prefix' variable is a bit of a hack, but I think a reasonable one. -productName logic that is currently there is only valid for Firefox. On linux, fennec uses 'fennec' as the binary and there is no 'fennec-bin'. Instead of setting the exepath based on the productName+'-bin', we could -optionally give an explicit binary name to the __init__ method that if specified, overrides any '%s-bin' hardcoded strings -have a different setting based on whether productName is 'firefox' or 'fennec' -ask mobile to include a fennec-bin (this is a terrible option imo)
Attachment #476336 - Flags: feedback?(catlee)
Attachment #476334 - Flags: feedback?(catlee) → feedback+
Attachment #476336 - Flags: feedback?(catlee) → feedback+
mobile browser-chrome tests are important. Notes from IRC: <mbrubeck> jhford: I use: python --browser-chrome --appname ../../../dist/bin/fennec --test-path mobile <mfinkle> jhford: python --browser-chrome --appname=../../../dist/bin/fennec --xre-path=../../../dist/bin <jhford> mfinkle: cool, i will teach UnittestPackagedBuildFactory how to do that :) <mfinkle> oh yeah, --test-path is handy <jmaher> jhford: and please add --test-path=mobile <jmaher> ;) <jmaher> jhford: then you will need something closer to 'python mochitest/ --browser-chrome --appname=fennec/fennec --certificate-path=certs --utiility-path=bin --test-path=mobile --autorun --close-when-done' <jhford> jmaher, mfinkle, mind if i copy/paste this into the bug? <jmaher> jhford: go for it...really just change the firefox stuff to be --appname=fennec/fennec and add --test-path=mobile
working on this again. What coverage do we want? Options are: -reftest -crashtest -xpcshell -jsreftest -mochitest-plain (1-5) -mochitest-chrome -mochitest-a11y -mochitest-ipcplugins
mobile specific browser chrome is assumed to be wanted
(In reply to comment #16) > mobile specific browser chrome is assumed to be wanted Yes, please use --test-path=mobile Everything else is junk :) (In reply to comment #15) > working on this again. > > What coverage do we want? Options are: > > -reftest > -crashtest > -xpcshell > -jsreftest > -mochitest-plain (1-5) > -mochitest-chrome > -mochitest-a11y > -mochitest-ipcplugins We should prepare to have all of these working, but to start, I think we should be prepared to run the following with 100% expected success: -browser-chrome Beyond that, we will likely need some for of test-subsetting. Not all of these will "just work" in Fennec and we will be flooded with permanent orange. I think we should try to get some subset of tests working for: -reftest -crashtest -jsreftest -mochitest-plain (1-5) -mochitest-chrome A11y and plugins are not quite ready for Mobile. Lets skip those for now.
Attached patch buildbotcustom v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
about to throw this on testing, uploading for those following along.
Attachment #476336 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch buildbot-configs v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
matching configs patch with all suites enabled for testing
Attachment #476334 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Can someone please confirm that this is the correct command line for mobile-browser-chrome argv: ['python', 'mochitest/', '--appname=fennec/fennec', '--utility-path=bin', '--extra-profile-file=bin/plugins', '--certificate-path=certs', '--autorun', '--close-when-done', '--console-level=INFO', '--test-path=mobile', '--symbols-path=symbols', '--browser-chrome']
That indeed looks correct for browser-chrome and desktop fennec on linux.
ok, that resulted in TinderboxPrint: mochitest-browser-chrome<br/>301/<em class="testfail">5</em>/16 I am going to finish cleaning this patch up and submit for review. Should we enable browser-chrome tests with test-failures or wait for them to be green?
(In reply to comment #22) > Should we enable browser-chrome tests with test-failures or wait for them to be > green? I would enable with failures. The mobile team owns those and should get them green.
Attached patch buildbotcustom v3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch adds support for running mobile mochitests on the desktop builds of our 32bit linux fennec builds. This has been tested and works. jsreftests, crashtest and browserchrome (for mobile) will be enabled in the first go around.
Attachment #487437 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #487675 - Flags: review?(catlee)
This patch enables jsreftest, crashtest and browser-chrome for fennec. All of these suites are either green or are expected to be or become green.
Attachment #487438 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #487677 - Flags: review?(catlee)
Comment on attachment 487675 [details] [diff] [review] buildbotcustom v3 @@ -6678,7 +6691,7 @@ class MozillaTestFactory(MozillaBuildFac pass def addTearDownSteps(self): - self.addCleanupSteps() + #self.addCleanupSteps() if self.buildsBeforeReboot and self.buildsBeforeReboot > 0: self.addPeriodicRebootSteps() this section shouldn't be in the patch and I don't know why it was included.
fixed patch
Attachment #487675 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #487679 - Flags: review?(catlee)
Attachment #487675 - Flags: review?(catlee)
this has been running in staging for a while and has affected non-mobile test runs.
(In reply to comment #28) > this has been running in staging for a while and has affected non-mobile test > runs. that should read "has *not* affected"
Attachment #487677 - Flags: review?(catlee) → review+
Comment on attachment 487679 [details] [diff] [review] buildbotcustom v4 >diff --git a/process/ b/process/ >--- a/process/ >+++ b/process/ >@@ -6486,9 +6486,21 @@ def parse_sendchange_files(build, includ > > class MozillaTestFactory(MozillaBuildFactory): > def __init__(self, platform, productName='firefox', >- downloadSymbols=True, downloadTests=False, **kwargs): >+ downloadSymbols=True, downloadTests=False, >+ posixBinarySuffix='-bin', **kwargs): >+ '''''' >+ '''Note: the posixBinarySuffix is needed because some products (firefox) >+ use 'firefox-bin' and some (fennec) use 'fennec' for the name of the >+ actual application binary. This is only applicable to posix-like >+ systems. Windows always uses productName.exe (firefox.exe and >+ fennec.exe)''' What's the purpose of the empty docstring? > self.platform = platform.split('-')[0] > self.productName = productName >+ if not posixBinarySuffix: >+ '''all forms of no should result in empty string''' This should be a comment, not a docstring r+ with those cleaned up
Attachment #487679 - Flags: review?(catlee) → review+
(In reply to comment #30) > Comment on attachment 487679 [details] [diff] [review] > buildbotcustom v4 > > >diff --git a/process/ b/process/ > >--- a/process/ > >+++ b/process/ > >@@ -6486,9 +6486,21 @@ def parse_sendchange_files(build, includ > > > > class MozillaTestFactory(MozillaBuildFactory): > > def __init__(self, platform, productName='firefox', > >- downloadSymbols=True, downloadTests=False, **kwargs): > >+ downloadSymbols=True, downloadTests=False, > >+ posixBinarySuffix='-bin', **kwargs): > >+ '''''' > >+ '''Note: the posixBinarySuffix is needed because some products (firefox) > >+ use 'firefox-bin' and some (fennec) use 'fennec' for the name of the > >+ actual application binary. This is only applicable to posix-like > >+ systems. Windows always uses productName.exe (firefox.exe and > >+ fennec.exe)''' > > What's the purpose of the empty docstring? I put the empty first comment there so that the clarification for posixBinarySuffix isn't the docstring for the class. A quick check tells by that if i use # instead of triple comma quotes, it won't show as a docstring. > > > self.platform = platform.split('-')[0] > > self.productName = productName > >+ if not posixBinarySuffix: > >+ '''all forms of no should result in empty string''' > > This should be a comment, not a docstring > > r+ with those cleaned up Sure, I will make these changes. Thanks for the review :)
Ready for reconfig, but I'd like to be around for the reconfig
Flags: needs-reconfig?
updated on all masters between 1823-1855 Pacific.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 611092
Flags: needs-reconfig?
Where are these reporting? Not on mobile tinderbox.
Product: → Release Engineering
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