Closed Bug 51921 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

SSL/IMAP in netscape6 mail does not show lock icon as locked


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nitinp, Assigned: mscott)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+])


(1 file)

I have SSL/IMAP enabled in my netscape6 build of 20000908. When I open the mail
box and login to the server the lock still remains open and does not lock.
adding keyword nsbeta3 and nominating for nsbeta3+
Keywords: nsbeta3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
SSL/IMAP is not a required feature of Netscape 6. Marking this bug nsbeta3-.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3-]
you do realize that while it might not be a "required" feature for NS6, it is in
the product and people will probably use it.
We would like to fix this bug as well. However, due to resource constraints in 
the crypto team, we have to focus all of our energy on fixing the features that 
we have committed to.
Marking invalid, since SSL/IMAP is not supported yet.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
huh?  we support ssl/imap
Resolution: INVALID → ---
This is now a mailnews bug.  The IMAP (mock?) channel needs to implement the 
GetSecurityInfo() method, returning the securityInfo of the underlying 
transport.  One also has to worry about preserving the securityinfo in any 
cache.  See nsHTTPChannel::GetSecurityInfo()
Component: Security: Crypto → Networking - IMAP
Product: Browser → MailNews
Reassign to owner of component.
Assignee: ddrinan → mscott
QA Contact: junruh → esther
accepting...adding mail3 keyword
Keywords: nsbeta3mail3, nsbeta1
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]
marking nsbeta1+ and moving to mozilla0.8
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.8
There are two parts to this bug:
1) the mail window needs to create a secure browser UI instance to monitor the
status of our lock icon. (why psm called it a browser UI I don't know since many
apps need to use it).

2) As John mentioned, we need to implement GetSecurityInfo on the mock channel.
In addition, the imap channel needs to pass the security info for it's transport
layer onto the mock channel and the memory cache entry.

Posting the fixes right now. 
This patch is working well for me with one big exception. Everything shows up as
mixed content =). This is because the secure browser UI is getting notifications
from the JAR url we run for the throbber.

John, do you know off the top of your head why the throbber doesn't cause this
same problem in the browser?

I'm still digging into this part. 
You're running into bug 48515.  Look in nsSecureBrowserUIImpl.cpp for a comment 
mentioning 48515 to see how I work around the problem.  Either that workaround 
will have to be extended to handle jar URLs or bug 48515 will have to be fixed.
...either that or you're putting the SecureBrowserUI at the wrong level.
heh silly me, I was setting the secure browser UI at the top instead of on the
content window. This patch is good to go pending reviews....

including this additional change:
secureUI.init(_content, securityIcon); (the first argument used to be window)
fix checked in. 
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Using builds dated 3-05-01 on winme, mac and linux and setting SSL in a mail
account, I now see a locked icon on the server icon in the folder pane.  I also
see an unlock icon in the status bar representing the message window, it stays
unlocked until I open a mail message.  If this status bar lock represents the
opened message then we need one in the stand alone message window.  Let me know
if you want a new bug for that window before I verify this.
verifying this since the original bug as stated is fixed and has been since 3-6
I tried with 2001070606_0.9.2 build from

As it mentioned in the last two comments, With SSL/IMAP enabled, I am now able 
to see the locked icon for the messaging server in the folder pane. 

But, I still see the unlocked icon in the status bar from the message pane when 
I click on the message's header in the upper pane. I also tried to double click 
the message to show it in different window, and I don't see lock icon in the 
status bar either. 

It looks like to me that it is only a partial fix (locked icon on the folder 
pane, but unlocked icon in the status bar). Any comments on this?

Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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