Closed Bug 52194 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Can't print a news message


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P2)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: nbaca, Assigned: rhp)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] Fix in hand)


(2 files)

Build 2000-09-11-08M18: NT4, Linux 6.0, Mac 9.04 Overview: Each operating system has slightly different symptoms but the results are the same. The print dialog does not appear and the news message is not printed. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select a news message from the thread pane 2. Select File|Print Actual Results: - NT4: The Print dialog does not appear, instead a print icon is minimized at the bottom of the windows taskbar. Clicking on it does nothing. I can close the icon but no option to print the news message. - Linux: Only the extra window appears with the contents of the message, the Print dialog never appears. - Mac: Focus from the 3-pane goes away and nothing else happens. I can reselect the 3-pane window and focus is returned but the print dialog never appears. Expected Results: The print dialog should appear. Additional Information: - Printing a mail message is OK.
Nominating for beta3. You should be able to print a news message.
Keywords: nsbeta3
reassigning to rhp.
Assignee: putterman → rhp
Target Milestone: --- → M19
Agreed. This is bad. Will investigate. - rhp
assign it to myself.
QA Contact: esther → fenella
marking nsbeta3+ per mail triage.
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
Hi guys, Did something change with rendering news messages that I now don't get the nsIDocumentLoaderObserver listener events that I get with mail messages? - rhp
Per Seth's recommendation, I am copying David and Scott: Guys...could any changes you've made recently cause me to stop getting listener events on news URL's? - rhp
I don't know if this would cause it, but my change to nsNNTPProtocol.cpp 1.200 is using the url for something it wasn't used for before.
Ok, I backed out the small change from nsNNTPProtocol.cpp 1.200 and it still is broken. - rhp
what listener events do you mean, Rich? Are you looking for OnStopRequest in particular?
OnEndDocumentLoad in particular. - rhp
Ok, this is failing deep in the guts of NNTP. Here is what is happening: nsresult nsNNTPProtocol::CleanupAfterRunningUrl() { if (m_loadGroup) m_loadGroup->RemoveChannel(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIChannel *, this), nsnull, NS_OK, nsnull); is called and the RemoveChannel() call then fails at the following location: // // Remove the channel from the group. If this fails, it means that // the channel was *not* in the group so do not update the foreground // count or it will get messed up... // // // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool // rv = mChannels->RemoveElement(channel) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PR_LOG(gLoadGroupLog, PR_LOG_ERROR, ("LOADGROUP [%x]: Unable to remove channel %x. Not in group!\n", this, channel)); return rv; } Because of this failure, the OnStopRequest() for my webshell is never called and I never see the end of any I never prompt to print. Any help! - rhp
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
Scott, does this look OK? We need the rest of what nsMsgProtocol::OnStartRequest does, including the add load group, not just the listener stuff.
Yeah that looks okay to me.
PDT believes that this should be a P3. Resetting priorities. Workaround possible
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+][pdtp3]
What's the workaround? writing out your news message on a piece of paper?
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][pdtp3]
:-) Isn't the workaround to move/copy/save the news message to a regular mail folder and then print from there? I doubt that anyone not a developer would figure that out before switching to another product...
Adding back nsbeta3+ and putting back p2. I think this will get it back on PDT's radar which is what I think bienvenu was trying to do. I disagree with PDT's assessment also though this probably works if you copy it to a mail folder. However, writing it out on a piece of paper does sound like a good idea. It might be faster :)
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
I guess you could mail yourself the news message and print it that way :-) Maybe we should have a contest to see who can come up with the ungainliest workaround.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+] Fix in hand
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
Scott and/or Seth, can you look at the last patch? In addition to adding the OnStopRequest call, I had to change the fix I had for the copying of multiple news messages to be more like the code was before I fixed those memory leaks - basically, now I check if the OnStopRequest evilly caused us to run another url (by using m_connectionBusy) and if so, I don't free up the url info.
I've run and reviewed this and it works/looks good to me. - rhp
Copying multiple news messages still works, and we're not leaking urls...
I thought the right way to print was to take a screen shot of the app, and print that.
hmm, that's possible, but I think it would be better to use one of those web email fax services to fax a copy of the news message to yourself.
David your latest set of changes look good. feel free to use me as the reviewer.
Bug squashed! - rhp
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Mac (2000-09-21-04 M18) Win32 (2000-09-21-09 M18) Printing news works fine in these platforms. Will try Linux too.
Linux (2000-09-20-08 M18) Linux printing news works fine too.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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