Closed Bug 526409 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Refresh Major Update offer for FF2.0.0.20 users


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: nthomas)





(2 files)

There are ~4% of Firefox users still using desupported FF2.0.0.x. Most of these are on FF2.0.0.20, so would see a refreshed major update prompt, if we generated one. As this is a well-understood way to get a large bunch of users back onto a supported Firefox release, it seems worth trying. Sam (ss) is fine to do this if RelEng and QA can find a gap in between all the other releases going on. This is so far beyond the end-of-life schedule that a refreshed major update offer at this point is lower priority compared to *any* other supported release we are working on. note: Our last major update offer for FF2.0.0.20->FF3.0.10 was in May 2009, and users who did not hit "later/never" can still see this offer.
From release meeting today, we have a gap in schedule now between FF3.5.5 release last week, and the prompted FF3.0.15->FF3.5.5 MU sometime later this month. nthomas/bhearsum: would either of you have time for this? Or can you point me to some docs? abillings: would you have time for this in next few days?
Component: Release Engineering: Future → Release Engineering
Assignee: nobody → nthomas
Priority: -- → P2
Attached patch Patcher configSplinter Review
s/3.0.10/3.0.15/ and update the buildid's (from the patcher config for 3.0.x minor updates). The list of shipped locales didn't change between .10 and .15
Attachment #411860 - Flags: review?(aki)
Just changes the path to the 3.0.x build, so that we can compare + update to 3.0.x.
Attachment #411861 - Flags: review?(aki)
Attachment #411861 - Flags: review?(aki) → review+
Attachment #411860 - Flags: review?(aki) → review+
Comment on attachment 411860 [details] [diff] [review] Patcher config Checking in moz18-branch-major-update-patcher2.cfg; new revision: 1.13; previous revision: 1.12
Attachment #411860 - Flags: checked-in+
John, I'm in Utah on vacation (you're lucky that I saw this). You need to talk to Henrik and/or Juan if you want this tested before next week.
Testplan written by Juan is here: Al, so I could do the update checks on betatest. But what about testing with a rich profile? Is that done in parallel to the channel tests? I don't have time for those.
Can you (someone) test the case where a user tries 3.0 and then downgrades, makes new bookmarks and then upgrades again? (Did we ever fix this?)
(In reply to comment #8) > Can you (someone) test the case where a user tries 3.0 and then downgrades, > makes new bookmarks and then upgrades again? (Did we ever fix this?) No, devs are aware of this problem but we have never fixed that. And there is no intention. From 3.0 to 3.5 we have the same problem with passwords but that bug was marked as wontfix.
I did the testing in betatest and sign off on it.
When would suit to push it live ?
I told John 11/19 earlier this week. We should clear this with Sam though.
Fine by me, I'm available from noon PST to do that.
That time is fine. Feel free to push that earliest convenience of both groups. I don't really need to be around when it happens.
Shipped it.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA has signed off.
When will the users see this? Both SUMO and MozillaZine are going to hit with a lot of support questions and profile problems when people upgrade.
It is live now.
(In reply to comment #17) > When will the users see this? Both SUMO and MozillaZine are going to hit with > a lot of support questions and profile problems when people upgrade. Per comment#15, this major update offer went live a little before 2009-11-19 15:15:16 PST .
Product: → Release Engineering
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