Bug 526693
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
Brief overlay of the active tab's page content is painted over inactive tab page content
(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)
(Reporter: u88484, Unassigned)
A brief overlay of the active tab's page content is painted over inactive tabs previews. STR: 1) Open up google, and two about:blank tabs 2) Make google your active tab 3) Go to the taskbar and first preview the google tab 4) Move the mouse over the preview for the second tab (first blank tab). Nothing happens in the page content area. 5) Continue moving the mouse to the right to preview the the third tab (second blank tab) and witness a brief overlay of the google tab painted in the white content area of the third tab. 6) Move back to the second tab and the overlay is painted there also and so forth now between the second and third tabs. I didn't try with any more tabs then that. Just for the record, I don't notice the briefly overlay being paint in the actual preview.
Summary: Brief overlay of the active tab's page content is painted over inactive tabs previews → Brief overlay of the active tab's page content is painted over inactive tab page content
Comment 1•15 years ago
In step 6, do you mean that the overlay sticks when you move back to the second tab?
(In reply to comment #1) > In step 6, do you mean that the overlay sticks when you move back to the second > tab? Yes, the overlay from the first tab that was previewed. This doesn't shown on the second tab though until you preview a third tab then you can reproduce it on the second and third tabs.
Comment 3•15 years ago
Rob, you and I chatted about this during testing. This is a win7 bug, you can reproduce it in IE8.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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