Closed Bug 53069 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

cannot log into web branch


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P1)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vishy, Assigned: asa)



Using Seamonkey 2000091805 build, go to click on webbranch. try and log in using your memebr number and pin. status bar shows "signing on Now" but you nevere actually sign on. this works in communicator and used to work in seamonkey. thanks, Vishy
nominating for beta3, if not then please assign for rtm. we cannot ship like this.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: nsbeta3
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: --- → M19
I assume this is a secure site? junruh, can you give this a try?
yes it is.
reporter - did you install PSM for mozilla/netscape 6?
well I installed a build that I got from ftp://sweetlou. and took recommended install option. I presume that includes security.
This appears to be a javascript problem. After clicking on Sign On, I am asked to download a file of type application/x-msdownload. This window appeared behind the main window. For Mac and Linux, after clicking on Sign On, I am not asked to save a file, but still cannot sign on anyway.
Assignee: asa → brendan
Component: Browser-General → Javascript Engine
QA Contact: doronr → pschwartau
Why in the world did I get this bug? It's almost certainly not a JS engine bug. /be
Assignee: brendan → asa
Component: Javascript Engine → Browser-General
jar - can you help me triage to the right person? I am still trying to get the hang of the components and assigning bugs.
I'm not sure of who to pass this along to. In some cases, secure sites are very picky about what SSL browsers they will allow to connect, so it's possible that the site is actually turning us away (and for that I'm copying Bob Lord). Another possibility is that this is network code related... and for that thought, I'm copying Gagan. Do either of you have suggestions for who should look into this? Thanks, Jim
In the case that we're being actively turned away by the site I'm adding of the Evangelism component (I know evangelism is mostly standards support but could probably be expanded).
Hmmm... I am tempted to suggest that you try it with HTTP/1.1 switched off. You can do that with the pref-- user_pref("network.http.version", "1.0");
*** Bug 55907 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding rtm keyword. The behavior has not changed since my 9/19 comment. "After clicking on Sign On, I am asked to download a file of type application/x-msdownload. This window appeared behind the main window. For Mac and Linux, after clicking on Sign On, I am not asked to save a file, but still cannot sign on anyway. I expect to get a warning that the password is invalid, but instead I just get "WebBranch is verifying your sign on..."
Keywords: rtm
Keywords: dogfood
I really think we need to raise this to dogfood+ and rtm need info status. Who should own this. It makes me believe that form based signin on many HTTPS sites will not work as expected. That is critical functionality! thanks, Vishy
Setting default QA -
QA Contact: pschwartau → doronr
Sounds like a dup of bug 54381. Same "application/x-msdownload" business. That bug has a fix that might cover this case also, if their login script URL has a .dll in it. Gagan can verify, perhaps.
Some web sites use servers which do not correctly implement SSL. This problem causes the client and server to fail to negotiate the connection. We're going to give junruh some tools which he can use to determine if a site has this particular problem. Still, that's not exactly what we're seeing here. I can't explain the "application/x-msdownload" aspect. That behavior is not consistent with the server-side SSL bug.
mscott - since you own bug 54381 and you have a patch, perhaps we can check your system to see if this techfed logging bug is also fixed?
This problem is apparently not "TLS intolerance", the problem to which Lord alluded above. I was able to connect to this server using a TLS-enabled client that followed the spec.
this is a dup of 54381. Marking it as such. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 54381 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified dupe.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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