Open Bug 531251 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Deleting a folder with unread messages doesn't reduce dock icon unread count


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


STR: 1) Have some unread messages in a folder (e.g. 2 unread messages). 2) Note the dock icon unread count. 3) Delete the folder -> dock icon unread count remains the same. 4) Empty the trash -> dock icon unread count remains the same. Can't reset it without starting Thunderbird. I suspect step 3 is where we go wrong as we don't track unread messages in deleted folders (which also makes me wonder if we'll count moves of unread messages. It also appears that if you visit the sub folder with unread mail within the trash (certainly on imap) you'll get extra counts as well.
Blocks: 438257
Severity: minor → S4
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