Closed Bug 531859 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Remove printf console output from PluginInstance*


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jimm, Assigned: benjamin)




(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

Currently log output is printed to console: #undef _MOZ_LOG #define _MOZ_LOG(s) printf("[PluginProcessParent] %s\n", s) This should be tied to low level nspr log output for plugins. Current console output can really drag debug builds down.
Blocks: OOPP
No longer depends on: OOPP
I have a patch.
Assignee: jmathies → benjamin
When I was being lazy I just replace _MOZ_LOG(__FUNCTION__); with PLUGING_LOG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, but in some cases I was more careful and added more detailed parameter logging.
Attachment #418420 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
Whoops, removing necessary code is bad.
Attachment #418420 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #418430 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
Attachment #418420 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
Comment on attachment 418430 [details] [diff] [review] Fix logging by using NSPR logging instead of printf, rev. 1.1 >diff --git a/dom/plugins/ b/dom/plugins/ >--- a/dom/plugins/ >+++ b/dom/plugins/ >@@ -111,8 +111,10 @@ LOCAL_INCLUDES = \ > -I$(topsrcdir)/modules/plugin/base/src/ \ > $(NULL) > > include $(topsrcdir)/config/ > include $(topsrcdir)/ipc/chromium/ > endif > > include $(topsrcdir)/config/ >+ >+DEFINES += -DFORCE_PR_LOG >\ No newline at end of file Might as well fix this while we're at it. >diff --git a/dom/plugins/PluginInstanceChild.cpp b/dom/plugins/PluginInstanceChild.cpp >--- a/dom/plugins/PluginInstanceChild.cpp >+++ b/dom/plugins/PluginInstanceChild.cpp > > NPError > PluginInstanceChild::NPN_SetValue(NPPVariable aVar, void* aValue) > { >- printf ("[PluginInstanceChild] NPN_SetValue(%s, %ld)\n", >- NPPVariableToString(aVar), reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(aValue)); > AssertPluginThread(); > Any reason we're not logging this anymore? >diff --git a/dom/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h b/dom/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h >--- a/dom/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h >+++ b/dom/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h >@@ -42,32 +42,39 @@ > #include "IPC/IPCMessageUtils.h" > > #include "npapi.h" > #include "npruntime.h" > #include "npfunctions.h" > #include "nsAutoPtr.h" > #include "nsStringGlue.h" > #include "nsThreadUtils.h" >+#include "prlog.h" > > namespace mozilla { > > // XXX might want to move these to nscore.h or something, they can be > // generally useful > struct void_t { }; > struct null_t { }; > > namespace ipc { > > typedef intptr_t NPRemoteIdentifier; > > } /* namespace ipc */ > > namespace plugins { > >+extern PRLogModuleInfo* gPluginLog; >+ >+#define PLUGIN_LOG_DEBUG(args) PR_LOG(gPluginLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, args) >+#define PLUGIN_LOG_DEBUG_FUNCTION PR_LOG(gPluginLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("%s", __FUNCTION__)) >+#define PLUGIN_LOG_DEBUG_METHOD PR_LOG(gPluginLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("%s<%p>", __FUNCTION__, (void*) this)) >+ It really stinks that this logging doesn't have class/file name. We could get log output like NPP_Foo NPP_Foo NPP_Foo NPP_Foo Maybe we could log __FILE__ along with __FUNCTION__? Another option could be a MOZ_NPAPI_THING that each .cpp defines for itself, e.g. |#define MOZ_NPAPI_THING "PluginInstanceChild"|, and PLUGIN_LOG_* magically uses.
Attachment #418430 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g) → review-
Ideally I think that IPDL should do forced PR logging and a lot of this logging is irrelevant, but until then this should do the trick.
Attachment #418430 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #420572 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
(In reply to comment #5) > Ideally I think that IPDL should do forced PR logging and a lot of this logging > is irrelevant, but until then this should do the trick. Yeah, some of this is redundant. We only need to log (i) messages with params we want to print; (ii) calls to NP* functions that might not result in IPC, like NPN_GetValue(). IPDL can log the rest.
Comment on attachment 420572 [details] [diff] [review] Fix logging by using NSPR logging instead of printf, rev. 1.2 Cool. I didn't know about __PRETTY_FUNCTION__.
Attachment #420572 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g) → review+
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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