Closed Bug 532808 Opened 15 years ago Closed 5 years ago

"ASSERTION: aParentContent must be element" with XBL


(Core :: XBL, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
blocking1.9.2 --- needed
status1.9.2 --- wontfix
blocking1.9.1 --- needed
status1.9.1 --- wanted


(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: sicking)



(Keywords: assertion, testcase)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached file testcase (obsolete) —
###!!! ASSERTION: aParentContent must be element: 'aParentContent && aParentContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eELEMENT)', file layout/style/nsStyleSet.cpp, line 819 ###!!! ASSERTION: non-element leaked into SelectorMatches: '!aContent || aContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eELEMENT)', file layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp, line 904 ###!!! ASSERTION: content (if present) must be element: '!aData->mContent || aData->mContent->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eELEMENT)', file layout/style/nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp, line 2083
So in nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetInsertionPrevSibling we end up with |container| being an nsTextNode. That happens because we have parentFrame being an nsTextFrame in ContentInserted. And that happens because that's what GetInsertionPoint returns in this case.
Group: core-security
The relevant textnode has a single newline in it.
The frame tree: Block(body)(3)@0x7f558bf869e0 [content=0x7f558bf753d0] {480,480,35640,0} [state=00100000] sc=0x7f558bf86780(i=0,b=1)< line 0x7f558bf91200: count=1 state=block,clean,prevmarginclean,not impacted,not wrapped,before:nobr,after:nobr[0x8348] {0,0,35640,0} < Block(div)(0)@0x7f558bf86e40 [content=0x7f558bf75560] {0,0,35640,0} [state=00100000] sc=0x7f558bf86458(i=0,b=1)< line 0x7f558bf911c8: count=1 state=block,clean,prevmarginclean,not impacted,not wrapped,before:nobr,after:nobr[0x8348] {0,0,35640,0} < Block(div)(-1)@0x7f558bf86ef0 [content=0x7f558bf75fb0] {0,0,35640,0} [state=00100000] sc=0x7f558bf86810(i=1,b=0)< line 0x7f558bf91398: count=2 state=inline,clean,prevmarginclean,not impacted,not wrapped,before:nobr,after:nobr[0x10300] {0,0,0,0} < Inline(span)(0)@0x7f558bf912c8 next=0x7f558bf91330 {0,-900,0,1140} [content=0x7f558bf6de20] [sc=0x7f558bf868b0]<> Text(1)@0x7f558bf91330[0,1,T] {0,0,0,0} [state=48600000] [content=0x7f558ec6e240] sc=0x7f558bf91238 pst=:-moz-non-element< "\n" >
That textframe is created when the <span> is inserted via surroundContents. Before that it's suppressed, as expected. The issue is that LocateInstance in this case (called from nsXBLPrototypeBinding::GetInsertionPoint) returns an nsTextNode. In particular, it returns the textnode that is now the second child of the anonymous <div>. And it does _that_ because in the binding template the insertion point is under the second child.... and because modifying binding content screws up LocateInstance. As the nice comment at the top of LocateInstance says: 871 // XXX We will get in trouble if the binding instantiation deviates from the template 872 // in the prototype. Thanks, hyatt. :( I can try to figure out exactly where LocateInstance screws up, but fundamentally it's not possible to accurately determine the right insertion point in the instantiation if all you're given is the insertion point in the template and the instantiation can have a fundamentally different DOM. Which is to say we need to disallow editing XBL template instantiation DOMs, or something. We can probably sanity-check here (in LocateInstance, say) to avoid the assertions, but the behavior is fundamentally broken and I can't guarantee that it can't lead to other bugs....
And _why_ again are we allowing untrusted bindings at all? :(
blocking1.9.1: --- → ?
Flags: blocking1.9.2?
Flags: blocking1.9.0.17?
Attachment #415981 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Summary: "ASSERTION: aParentContent must be element" with XBL, DOM Range → "ASSERTION: aParentContent must be element" with XBL
(In reply to comment #5) > And _why_ again are we allowing untrusted bindings at all? :( You tell me: when can we break it? If we keep promoting each 3.x version as a minor upgrade then never. Can we disable it today on the trunk and see how far we get? (maybe with a pref so it's easy to flip back on if we have to, and easy for a security addon to flip back off if we've turned it on)
Flags: wanted1.9.0.x+
I think we should do the following ASAP on trunk: 1) Make untrusted bindings not apply, period. 2) Make getAnonymousNodes do a security check. Any objections?
(In reply to comment #8) > 1) Make untrusted bindings not apply, period. What counts as an untrusted binding? If that means "non-chrome" then sure, it will break Adblock Plus, it uses a custom protocol for bindings applied to web pages. I can imagine that a bunch of other extensions use non-chrome protocols for bindings as well. Not to mention the unit tests using data: protocol for bindings. (In reply to comment #4) > Which is to say we need to disallow editing XBL template instantiation DOMs, or > something. We can probably sanity-check here (in LocateInstance, say) to avoid > the assertions, but the behavior is fundamentally broken and I can't guarantee > that it can't lead to other bugs.... That could be a problem. Editing the DOM is something that is occasionally being done because XBL doesn't allow extending content - if you inherit from an XBL template you either have to keep the original content or completely replace it. I know that at the very least TomTom HOME modifies XBL instantiations a lot because of this.
> What counts as an untrusted binding? One whose principal is not system. > it uses a custom protocol for bindings Then you can control the principal of the binding, so should be fine, with a slight change to your code. We'd need to make nsIScriptSecurityManager::getSystemPrincipal scriptable is all. > Not to mention the unit tests using data: protocol for bindings. We can fix the tests; not a problem. A lot of those tests are actually crashtests for crashes triggered by malicious bindings in the past, so.... > Editing the DOM is something that is occasionally being done The point is, once you do it your binding is broken. But I'm not proposing disallowing this in the short term. I'm just proposing making it impossible for untrusted script to do this to the trusted bindings we would still be attaching to web pages (e.g. Adblock Plus bindings), specifically by never handing out such anonymous nodes to the untrusted script in question. We'd probably also need to change the way event.originalTarget works in untrusted contexts...
(In reply to comment #10) > We'd probably also need to change the way event.originalTarget works in > untrusted contexts... Like never returning anonymous content? Same for relatedTarget. originalTarget is used also in C++ so we need so easy way to detect if caller is JS or C++. Or perhaps C++ could use nsIPrivateDOMEvent to get originalTarget. IIRC there is actually a bug open to remove originalTarget from content events. (XBL2 draft uses different event propagation mechanism.)
> Like never returning anonymous content? Precisely.
Unfortunately only allowing bindings from chrome doesn't help much as long as getAnonymousChildrenFor exists
Jonas, see comment 8 item 2. I propose that it stop existing for untrusted code.
But XBL bindings bound to a untrusted page run as untrusted code. It would at the very least break marquee and remote XUL. Dunno how <video> would fair.
> It would at the very least break marquee Ugh. Can we disallow untrusted script from adding or removing anonymous nodes, then?
Probably not without breaking remote XUL. Which might be ok. Good topic for next week?
(In reply to comment #17) > Probably not without breaking remote XUL. Which might be ok. Might be better than OK!
Unless I'm mistaken, we can wait for a security release for this on mozilla-1.9.2, yes?
Flags: wanted1.9.2+
Flags: blocking1.9.2?
Flags: blocking1.9.2-
Sort of. I'm not seeing an obvious fix here that doesn't break compatibility, but that would be a problem at this stage just as much as after ship, I guess...
Whiteboard: [sg:?]
beltzner doesn't read bugmail. Re-nominating so he sees comment 20.
Flags: blocking1.9.2- → blocking1.9.2?
I can't see much point in blocking 1.9.0's EOL release on this compatibility-breaking change, but once we have a fix that makes the 1.9.2 branch happy we'll try to land it everywhere else at the same time.
blocking1.9.1: ? → needed
Flags: blocking1.9.0.17? → blocking1.9.0.17-
Whiteboard: [sg:?] → [sg:high]
Thanks, Sam; decision stands, though. Not blocking final. Adding the term that will help me pick this up for 3.6.x.
Flags: blocking1.9.2? → blocking1.9.2-
Whiteboard: [sg:high] → [sg:high][3.6.x]
The assertions in comment 0 were removed in rev 1b7b064ee77a, "Bug 562688 part 13. Eliminate eELEMENT usage in layout/style, except the rule processor." I don't know whether this has a real effect on this bug, or the plans in comment 8.
> The assertions in comment 0 were removed in rev 1b7b064ee77a While true, they were replaced with asserts in ToElement() that should now trigger here, right? Are they not firing? Nothing about the fundamental problem in this bug has changed; it might just become more urgent to fix as we move from calling virtual nsIContent methods in selector matching to non-virtual Element methods on a pointer that's not actually an Element but has been cast to one.
I don't hit any assertions when I load the testcase on trunk now.
That's... quite odd. Do you know when you last did see asserts? I can try to bisect+debug, but a good starting range might help.
I don't know, sorry.
Looks like this assertion stopped firing when lazyfc landed. Trying to figure out why now.
Just need to flush frame construction in the middle there...
Yeah, lazyfc would construct frames for the nodes in the opposite order that they are added there.
With that last testcase on tip, I get: ###!!! ASSERTION: Not an element?: 'IsElement()', file ../../dist/include/Element.h, line 60 as expected.
To address a question from way above: we already disallow binding to data URIs, but you can enable a pref, layout.debug.enable_data_xbl, to allow them, which we do in our testing infrastructure so those old tests still work.
Whiteboard: [sg:high][3.6.x] → [sg:high][3.6.x][critsmash-high:investigating]
blocking1.9.2: --- → needed
What's next here?
Are we planning to fix this by dropping XBL-on-the-web (bug 546856 + getAnonymousNodes) or in another way?
Depends on: 546856
Assignee: nobody → jonas
Jonas, did this get fixed on trunk by disabling remote XUL/XBL? Or do we still need to worry about this for trunk? For the branches this still needs a fix either way though.
I talked to Jonas about this, this is fixed on trunk by disabling remote XUL and XBL, but it's still an issue on the 1.9.2 branch.
Version: unspecified → 1.9.2 Branch
With the upcoming End of Life of 1.9.2, is this bug even relevant? This is fixed on trunk. I'm tempted to won't fix this at this point.
(In reply to Al Billings [:abillings] from comment #39) > With the upcoming End of Life of 1.9.2, is this bug even relevant? > > This is fixed on trunk. > > I'm tempted to won't fix this at this point. Nope - I suggest you all mark sg:crit bugs that affect 1.9.2 and we don't plan to chemspill FF11 for as wontfix.
Sorry, there's no reason to limit that to sg:crit - we can perform this for all 1.9.2 security bugs at this point.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Does the fact that this is no longer a *security* bug really mean that it's definitively WONTFIX?
David, it is 1.9.2 only and we're not releasing 1.9.2 anymore. Is there a good reason to work on it?
See comment 38 -- it's not a security bug anymore because we disabled remote XUL and XBL, not because we know the bug is gone.
I understand this but when I look at the top of the bug, this is a 1.9.2 bug. Should we change this to trunk and make this about fixing the overall security issue?
What overall security issue. There's no remaining *security* problem because XBL and XUL have been disabled for remote content. That doesn't mean there isn't still a bug here.
Is this an issue that someone is going to actually fix in the current codebase?
Who knows, but that's not the usual criteria we use to leave bugs open.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Whiteboard: [sg:high][3.6.x][critsmash-high:investigating] → [keep private until 3.6 EOL]
Version: 1.9.2 Branch → unspecified
Group: core-security
Whiteboard: [keep private until 3.6 EOL]

XBL is now disabled in Firefox (Bug 1583314) and is in the process of being removed from Gecko (Bug 1566221), so closing bugs requesting changes to its implementation as wontfix.

Closed: 13 years ago5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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