Closed Bug 538234 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Should use extensions.checkCompatibility.3.6pre for 3.6pre versions


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
status1.9.2 --- final-fixed


(Reporter: asqueella, Assigned: mossop)



(Whiteboard: [AOMTestday])


(1 file)

Since bug 521905 Firefox checks the "extensions.checkCompatibility.<version>" pref to determine if it should allow installing/enabling incompatible add-ons.

The algorithm for determining the <version> part is only described by providing a few simple examples:

and yields somewhat unexpected results on 3.6pre nightlies: the pref with the suffix "3.6p" is checked. This makes the add-on compatibility reporter not work, in particular (since it doesn't set such pref).

The regexp that is applied to get the <version> in the pref name out of app version (like "3.6b5"):

1) It doesn't make any sense to me (I can't understand the intention from this code).
2) Please document the possible values for the <version> part.
3) Perhaps the 3.6pre strings should resolve to a different <version> part?
4) Are there other non-trivial app versions where this doesn't work as desired?
(In reply to comment #0)
> Since bug 521905 Firefox checks the "extensions.checkCompatibility.<version>"
> pref to determine if it should allow installing/enabling incompatible add-ons.
> The algorithm for determining the <version> part is only described by providing
> a few simple examples:
> and yields somewhat unexpected results on 3.6pre nightlies: the pref with the
> suffix "3.6p" is checked. This makes the add-on compatibility reporter not
> work, in particular (since it doesn't set such pref).

That is unfortunate, we should file a bug to get the ACR to handle this case.

> 1) It doesn't make any sense to me (I can't understand the intention from this
> code).

From the bug: it just uses 2 version parts including whether the second part has any alpha, beta or anything else in it.

So basically the major and minor versions plus some indicator of the stability of the branch.

> 2) Please document the possible values for the <version> part.

This is probably a full list unless we changed versioning schemes: X.Ya, X.Yb, X.Yp, X.Y

> 3) Perhaps the 3.6pre strings should resolve to a different <version> part?

While I never considered the 3.6pre version when this was coded I don't think that using 3.6p as the pref for this case is contrary to the original intention of the change. Pre is certainly an indicator of the stability of the branch at that point. One could argue that we should just ignore pre and call it 3.6 at that point since we only go there after spinning RC, but I'm not sure whether it is worth the effort.

> 4) Are there other non-trivial app versions where this doesn't work as desired?

Is it possible for other applications to use their own versioning system where this doesn't yield ideal results? Yes certainly. But as I believed when I implemented it this way, the majority of apps will work just fine with this.
So there are a couple of options for what we can do here.

1. Do nothing.
2. Ignore pre parts (maybe even only include a or b so we'd have a list of X.Ya, X.Yb or X.Y only).
3. Include the full string part so we'd have X.Ya, X.Yb, X.Ypre, X.Y.

I'm not particularly pulled either way though bsmedberg prefers option 3.
Beltzner agrees with bsmedberg so we're going to use any letters following the numeric part of the minor version in the pref.
Assignee: nobody → dtownsend
Summary: extensions.checkCompatibility.3.6p pref is checked for Firefox 3.6pre nightly builds → Should use extensions.checkCompatibility.3.6pre for 3.6pre versions
Attached patch patch rev 1Splinter Review
This makes the pref be the major version part and the first sequence of numbers and first sequence of letters in the minor version part.
Attachment #420459 - Flags: review?(robert.bugzilla)
Comment on attachment 420459 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev 1

Benjamin, want to confirm that this regexp matches what you expect?
Attachment #420459 - Flags: review?(benjamin)
Comment on attachment 420459 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev 1

technically I think it should be [0-9]+[^0-9]* but I doubt it matters in practice. r=me either way.
Attachment #420459 - Flags: review?(benjamin) → review+
Attachment #420459 - Flags: review?(robert.bugzilla) → review+
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9.3a1
Thanks! I updated the kb.mozillazine docs.
Comment on attachment 420459 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev 1

Not critical for release, but would be useful to fix the pref on current nightly branch builds.
Attachment #420459 - Flags: approval1.9.2?
No I do not think so,
We have already used 3.6p
3.6pre causes confusion
Let's take it; Stuart, I don't think this will have any affect on mobile, but wanted to cc you for the heads-up.

a192=beltzner, but don't put it on the relbranches, obviously
Comment on attachment 420459 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev 1

Pushed to branch per beltzner's a+ above:
Attachment #420459 - Flags: approval1.9.2? → approval1.9.2+
looks like you forgot to mark final-fixed... correct me if i'm wrong.
Fixed a long time ago and I haven't discovered any problem so far. Marking as verified fixed.
Flags: in-testsuite+
Flags: in-litmus-
Whiteboard: [AOMTestday]
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