Open Bug 538400 Opened 15 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cannot properly cut content across non-editable element boundaries in a contentEditable element


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P5)

Windows 7





(Reporter: timmc, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6 For a selection that begins within a span, within a div, and then crosses over a new non-editable element, ultimately ending outside of the aforementioned div in a subsequent div, cut commands do not properly remove the uneditable element. In this case "cut" refers to Ctrl-X or the core cut command. See the asterisks in the follow text for an example of where the selection begins and ends. <DIV contentEditable="true"> <div><span>adsfa</span> <span>dsadfas start*d</span> <span contenteditable="false"><strong>READ-ONLY</strong></span> </div> <div>a*end dsf asd</div> </DIV> Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Within a block element, edit some content with an uneditable element 2. Apply some formatting that generates a span prior to that element 3. Create a new div block element below the original set of content 4. Cut content from the first block, including the uneditable element, through to the second block element Actual Results: The cut doesn't remove all of the original content, even though it will paste it all correctly. Expected Results: Everything selected is cut.
Summary: Cannot properly cutt content across non-editable element boundaries in a contentEditable element → Cannot properly cut content across non-editable element boundaries in a contentEditable element

Bulk-downgrade of unassigned, >=5 years untouched DOM/Storage bugs' priority.

If you have reason to believe this is wrong (especially for the severity), please write a comment and ni :jstutte.

Severity: normal → S4
Priority: -- → P5
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