Closed Bug 539141 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Randomly unlogged from


( :: Knowledge Base Software, task)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marclaporte, Assigned: jsocol)




To reproduce, log in and do "normal things".
Edit some pages
Translate some pages
Approve a staging page

In my case, within a few minutes, I get unlogged. I have not found a fail-proof way to reproduce. Seems random.
Marc, when you find yourself logged out, can you double-check that you're still on HTTPS? We've had issues with that in the past.
HTTPS is off at the moment. So everything in HTTP.

Admin -> General -> Navigation -> Use TikiWiki feature as homepage 
Attempting to change Forum to Wiki has kicked me out at least 5 times in a row.
I can reproduce with that case.
Actually, I could, but now I can't.
Assignee: nobody → james
Were there any other ways to trigger this? I upped the session lifetime (was 40 minutes, now 120) and follow the steps in comment 3, I can't make this happen. Actually, I can't make it happen at all so far.
I still had the problem although not as close. I moved the value to an excessive 3600 minutes and I no longer had the issue. Could this be related to timezones?
Just to tell me wrong, it happened again just as I posted the last comment.
I'm trying to reproduce this locally, but the database upgrade script never finished yesterday, so I'm recreating it and trying again.

Since no headers are changing--the session cookie remains set and doesn't change even after logging back in--which it probably should--my guess is that session data in the database is expiring too early.
I just commited a fix to the PDO session handling in tiki. For one, it would not respect the session_lifetime directive. There were also several other issues. Hopefully this will help on next update. (r24568 in trunk)
Quick note: Locally, I stay logged in for more than a few hours; on tiki-trunk I've been logged out within an hour of inactivity. Might be worth testing again tomorrow, after comment 10 is surely up and went through. If not, maybe ask IT to clear cache.
For the record, I just tested and got kicked out...
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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