Open Bug 540378 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns (Wrong "select NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE/NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE" is requested when IMAP folder used as non-personal namespace is clicked)


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

1.9.2 Branch
Windows XP


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jakub.hodan, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [has protocol logs] [regression by Tb 3 over Tb 2])


(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; cs-CZ; rv: Gecko/2010010604 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.17 Build Identifier: Thunderbird 3.0 When I install TB3 the shared folder can not be opened, in TB2 was OK. TB3 says that "Select mailbox not exist" I do not know exact sentence because I am on another PC. I our mailserver (Merak) there are some ACL messsages like: "ACL name_surename@... fail" but the problem is that the userename looks like this: "". That problem is only with shared folders, when I downgrade to TB2 everything is OK. In TB3 - I am not able to change the subscription of the shared folders. complete login example: Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Try open the IMAP shared folder. Actual Results: Message like: SELECT mailbox not exists. Expected Results: The folder is opened.
Hello Jakub, Could you take the time to recreate the issue while imap logging is on (see on how to enable imap) ? could you sanitize the log (replace things you want to keep for yourself with xxx) and attach the log using the add attachment link above ?
Component: General → Networking: IMAP
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
QA Contact: general → networking.imap
Version: unspecified → 1.9.1 Branch
Keywords: regression
Attached file log from imap:5
domain was replaced by xdomain my name was replaced by xname my surname was replaced by xsurname log file must be compressed to zip try find "dInfo" and "dInfo SPAM" they are shared in my IMAP folders list
Whiteboard: [has protocol logs]
logging may not be useful for this since we don't put the authentication info in the log, unfortunately. Are you saying that we're logging in with the wrong name, or asking for the acl for the wrong user? We don't pass in a username when asking for acl (or myrights), and it seems like if we were logging in with the wrong user name, the server would reject the login.
OK, just simple: everything is right with 2.x version of TB but in 3.x the IMAP shared folder do not work. I think there is some problem with logging in to the shared folders. I have same username and pwd for IMAP account and for the shared folders. Logging to my IMAP account is correct but to the shared folders not. Version 3.x has fantastic search features I like it much, but now I must use version 2.x because shared folders is very important (necessary) for my work.
3.0.1 and 3.0.2 still same behaivior
3.1rc1 similar behaivior just the message sentence is little bit different an is arising as box at bottom of screen
3.1 final still same. Is anybody outhere? Please, take this bug under your wings!
Your server seems to be telling us that there is a subscribed folder "dInfo SPAM" in the personal namespace as well as a shared namespace "dInfo SPAM". You might try using the advanced imap server settings and overriding the public and shared namespaces to "" and see if that helps.
Summary: IMAP shared folder bad username → IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns
I am sory for later response but ... holidays, public holidays, admin's holidays etc. We try setup namespace to "" but behaivior is the same and it is predictable because if you read the core of problem then there is problem with username not with namespace etc. but I am very happy for your interest in - thank you we can continue
It is terrible situation now my old TB2 disturbs me by actualiztion question and I do not use never button but later button to be still in attention. But one time I miss the dialog and press Enter and actualization runs. Under Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv: Gecko/20101207 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.7 is still ...bad word... same!!! I also observe some strange behaivior: 1. on start in status bar is message like "Downloading 1298 from 328 in dInfo SPAM". What is the hell? 1298 from 328!!! And also dInfo SPAN is not accessible for me from gui - see previous posts - and I do not understad how he can download from dInfo SPAM if it is not possible from gui??? 2. After sending a message duration of "copy to sent" operation is much more longer than in TB2. Is the anybody outhere!!! I will have to switch back to MS product because the situation is unsolvable - TB2 is old and will be unsupported but TB3 is inapplicable.
Version: 1.9.1 Branch → 1.9.2 Branch
Copying to is not longer but totaly impossible!!!! see to the previous post
message when i try open folder dInfo SPAM again: Current operation on 'dInfo SPAM' did not succeed. The mail server for account responded: SELECT Mailbox does not exists.
I also want to check the imap:5 log but it is not working and TB behaves strange. I follow the instruction at as in previous log report. When I executes TB whith logging enabled then TB still shows busy indicator in Inbox tab but nothing is in statusbar. When I try open dInfo or dInfo SPAM then no error message appears. If I have time I will try it under linux.
I found diference between TB2 and TB3. Useful find string:"SendData: 3 select"
I test the TB3 on linux and behavior is the same - Ubuntu 10.04, TB 3.1.7. Today I unistall TB3 completely and install TB2. I made imap:5 log - see . Namespaces looks the same. Problem is with selecting folder during entering it: TB2: 3 select "dInfo" TB3: 3 select "dInfo SPAM/dInfo" Why? I do not know. Maybe problem with the space in folder name and similar start substring. I am sure that selecting same folders - it is visible in entered url: TB2: /select%3E/dInfo: TB3: /select%3E/dInfo: I found it. Is the anybody out there? Or I am speaking to wall?
Attachment #513061 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Blocks: 160644
Checked with following conditions: (a) Tb 11.0.1 on Win-XP (b) account(Yahoo! IMAP server, no namespace is used) (c) Emulated by following Server Settings/Advanced > mail.server.server1.namespace.personal = "" > mail.server.server1.namespace.public = "Shared-Namespace-01/","Shared-Namespace-02/" > mail.server.server1.namespace.other_users = "Other-Namespace/SubFolder-01/","Other-Namespace/SubFolder-02/" > mail.server.server1.override_namespaces = false (d) Shared-Namespace-01, Shared-Namespace-02 is root level folder. Other-Namespace is root level folder. Trash, TrashXXX is root level folder. [Test result] (1) Click Shared-Namespace-01 > 39 select "Shared-Namespace-01/Shared-Namespace-01" > 39 NO [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error (2) Click Shared-Namespace-02 > 40 select "Shared-Namespace-02/Shared-Namespace-02" > 40 NO [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error (3) Click Other-Namespace > 41 select "Other-Namespace/SubFolder-02/Other-Namespace" > 41 NO [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error (4) Click Other-Namespace/SubFolder-01 > 42 select "Other-Namespace/SubFolder-01/Other-Namespace/SubFolder-01" > 42 NO [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error (5) Click Other-Namespace/SubFolder-02 > 43 select "Other-Namespace/SubFolder-02/Other-Namespace/SubFolder-02" > 43 NO [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error (6) Click Trash > 44 select "Trash" > 44 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed; now in selected state (7) Click TrashXXX > 45 select "TrashXXX" > 45 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed; now in selected state
Ever confirmed: true
NAMESPACE is defined by RFC 2342. > RFC 2342 looks to request IMAP client to issue "LIST ~mark/%" for folder owned by login-username=mark when other users namespace="~" is returned as NAMESPACE command response. What is correct interpretation of RFC 2342? What behaviour on NAMESPACE does the RFC request to IMAP server and IMAP client?
Summary: IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns → IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns ("select non-personal-namespace/non-personal-
Summary: IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns ("select non-personal-namespace/non-personal- → IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns (Wrong "select NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE/NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE" is requested when IMAP folder used as NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE is clicked)
Emulated by following Server Settings/Advanced, with personal namespace, with root level folder only as namespace. > mail.server.server1.namespace.personal = "INBOX/","Personal-Namespace-01/","Personal-Namespace-02/" > mail.server.server1.namespace.public = "Shared-Namespace-01/","Shared-Namespace-02/" > mail.server.server1.namespace.other_users = "Other-Namespace-01/","Other-Namespace-02/" > mail.server.server1.override_namespaces = false Each namespace folder except INBOX has two subfolders, SubFolder-01, SubFolder-02. Folder pane display by Tb 11.0.1. - Inbox <== Not grayed out = equivallent to "no \Noselect" - subfolders under Inbox - Personal-Namespace-01 <== Grayed out = equivallent to \Noselect - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 - Personal-Namespace-02 <== Grayed out = equivallent to \Noselect - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 - Shared-Namespace-01 <== Not grayed out = equivallent to "no \Noselect" - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 - Shared-Namespace-02 <== Not grayed out = equivallent to "no \Noselect" - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 - Other-Namespace-01 <== Not grayed out = equivallent to "no \Noselect" - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 - Other-Namespace-02 <== Not grayed out = equivallent to "no \Noselect" - SubFolder-01 and SubFolder-02 Note: Any other root level folder is hidden at folder tree. Any other root level folder is not shown by Subscribe. (1) Any subfolder can be accessed without problem. (2) Inbox is selectable and acceptable as expected, as usually. (3) No problem on root level personal namespace folder, because Tb internally assigns \Noselect and it's unselectable. No select command is issued by Tb. (4) When shared(public) namespace/other users namespace, \Noselect is not assigned by Tb then select command is issued, then namespace is added to root level folder name too. Cause may be that check of "start with namespace" fails if root level folder, because root level folder doesn't have delimiter("/" or ".") in folder name. Tb is better to assign \Noselect internally to any namespace folder except INBOX, as done on personal namespace folder. By the way, Tb's multiple namespace support worked well than I thought. If folder attribute of namespace folder is appropriately set as "\Noselect" by IMAP server, this bug won't occur.
Whiteboard: [has protocol logs] → [has protocol logs] [regression by Tb 3 over Tb 2]
Summary: IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns (Wrong "select NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE/NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE" is requested when IMAP folder used as NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE is clicked) → IMAP shared folder namespace issue when namespace appears as folder in personal ns (Wrong "select NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE/NON-PERSONAL-NAMESPACE" is requested when IMAP folder used as non-personal namespace is clicked)
Removing myslef on all the bugs I'm cced on. Please NI me if you need something on MailNews Core bugs from me.

Namespaces aren't used by most users so problem with them seem to fall through the cracks. But I solved an over 10 year old issue with a reporter that was still using tb and hadn't moved to something else. Anyhow, if reporter is still interested and seeing this problem, please respond. (Moving the classification to Normal since Major classification going away.)

Severity: major → normal
Severity: normal → S3
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