Closed Bug 540480 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[HTML5] dashboard not loading with HTML5 parser turned on


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ehsan.akhgari, Assigned: hsivonen)


(Whiteboard: [Input])

STR: 1. Create an account on It's free and very easy to set up. 2. Log in with your account. 3. The dashboard doesn't load completely. Turning the HTML5 off and refreshing the page would cause it to work fine. This page is broken in the same way in 3.6, BTW.
Guessing from the error console output that this is likely to turn out to be a duplicate of bug 533381.
Depends on: 533381
Priority: -- → P2
So this wasn't a duplicate of bug 533381. Still, the error console shows that the site script fails due to document.body being null in the Sizzle CSS Selector Engine version 0.9.3.
Version 1.0 of Sizzle CSS doesn't refer to document.body, it seems:
Summary: [HTML5] dashboard not loading with HTML5 parser turned on → [HTML5][Evang?] dashboard not loading with HTML5 parser turned on
Moving this over to evangelism on the grounds that there's no evidence of a parser bug and a newer version of the Sizzle library doesn't have the bit that fails on Hootsuite. I contacted Invoke Media on March 16, but haven't heard back.
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: HTML: Parser → English US
Priority: P2 → --
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: parser → english-us
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Summary: [HTML5][Evang?] dashboard not loading with HTML5 parser turned on → [HTML5] dashboard not loading with HTML5 parser turned on
No longer depends on: 533381
(In reply to comment #4) > I contacted Invoke Media on March 16, but haven't heard back. Still haven't heard back. Pinged @hootsuite on Twitter today.
Assignee: english-us → hsivonen
We're receiving quite a bit of feedback from users of HootSuite -
Whiteboard: [Input]
Should this bug be assigned to someone to quickly follow up the issue with
Agreed, cc'ing blizzard as well.
Tried reaching out too with an email address.
Re-pinged on twitter.
Howdy! This bug should be fixed on our end. Type "about:config". Filter by html5 to find Preference Name html5.enable. Change value to "true". HootSuite will continue to work. This has been tested on Firefox 3.6 and 4 beta on Ubuntu, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Awesome - has it been pushed to production?
Also what was it? Wondering if it's something we need to document?
(In reply to comment #12) > Howdy! This bug should be fixed on our end. Excellent. Thank you! I checked that the dashboard loads, so marking FIXED.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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