Closed Bug 54396 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Hard to delete characters in an autocomplete widget


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P2)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)


(Whiteboard: [rtm++])


(1 file)

This bug has been extracted from bug 51910 in order to have one fix per bug report. The original bug is rtm+/P2. Either, in the URL location bar or in the Addressing widget in message compose, it's hard to delete characters while typing because autocomplete always come back and modified the input. 1) Using the addressing widget, type abcdefg 2) wait 300 ms, the input become: abcdef[] 3) press backspace. the input become again abcdef 4) press again backspace to delete the last character. But after 300 ms, it become abcde[] You need to press to much backspace for deleting just one characters! The fix is to still update the dropdown list with the autocomplete results when you backspace (or delete) but we should not autocomplete into the text field anymore.
I have a safe fix for that
Keywords: rtm
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: Fix in hand
Target Milestone: --- → M19
Keywords: mailtrack
jrgm/claudius, who should take this for qa?
QA Contact: sairuh → jrgm
JF, who would hit this and how often? None of us have ever noticed this problem (we all care about 51910 though :-)
Whiteboard: Fix in hand → [rtm need info]Fix in hand
everybody that does typing error and want to correct it. Maybe error while typing URL are more frequent. In 4.x, we never autocomplete again an url when you hit backspace. But we do in Mozilla because mail use to do it in 4.x. Again the fix is very safe and everybody will be happy :-)
Selmer, after ducarroz's description I saw this bug as well. It happens whenever you try to correct an URL at a point != the end.
Component: XP Apps → XP Apps: GUI Features
OS: Windows NT → All
OK, I believe that's some level of a problem. I'm not yet convinced it's an rtm+ kind of problem. At worst, this seems to be annoying. I don't think anyone would give up on the app over it. Also, I see "Fix in hand" in the status whiteboard, but there is no patch attached to the bug. Please attach the patch when you make this notation. Who has super reviewed the patch and evaluated the risk?
Actually, it also happens for the end of the URL. Selmer, try the following: Enter "home" (will propably be completed to "home.netscape...". Try to delete everything via backspace. You hit backspace once to delete the selection. One more time to delete "e". But, after that, it gets completed again. YOu have to hit backspace again to get "hom". I.e. you end up hitting backspace twice as much. But even this vaires, depending on the question how fast you as in comparison to autocomplete. So, yes it's annoying. Show-stopper? No. But we have a (simple, as ducarroz says) fix. In any case, please check it into the trunk.
Attached patch Proposed fixSplinter Review
rtm+, to give this a chance at PDT approval. I'm hoping that the super review says "0 risk" and people running with the patch say "works like a charm".
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]Fix in hand → [rtm+]Fix in hand
The fix is to check if the last key pressed is either a backspace or a delete. If it's the case, I will force the default result item receive from the search engine to -1. Therefore, as we don't have a default item, the content of the text field is not modified by the autocompletion but we still have the drop down list with all the potential matches that appears. I have also fixes some annoying Javascript Strict warning with the properties noDirectMatch & menuOpen by declaring a "constructor" for those dynamic properties. The only potential risk is to not autocomplete in line (in the textfield itself) if for some reason some legitimate keys will generate the same keycode than backspace or Delete. This case should not append with Japanese Input as if IME is active, we will get the oninput message after the onkeypress. I always reset the lastKeyCode to 0 when I receive an onInput. I am running this fix since yesterday on Mac & Windows and so far, it's working perfectly...
"works like a charm" ;)
Ben, can I put you as reviewer (not the super reviewer)?
ducarroz, no, sorry, I don't know the code around it. You can you say "BenB said it works" :).
the problem is that I am yhe only one that know this code :-(
hyatt? Didn't he help writing autocomplete? Really, I don't even have a clue about xbl.
don't worry, I'll find somebody else...
well, FWIW, r=bienvenu, with the understanding that alecf's super review would catch anything really wrong.
Seth reviewed it too. R=sspitzer
fix looks good only comment is that there is a way to get to VK_DELETE from JS - you can say KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE - the same is true for the other VK_ you're using. that way you don't have to hardcode the numbers
oh great, much better. I'll do that in the trunk only, don't want to take any change to do a typo in the branch :-)... Thanks.
Whiteboard: [rtm+]Fix in hand → [rtm+]Fix in hand, reviewed (3x)
Alec, I cannot use those DOM_VK_nnn for the following reasons: 1) They doesn't seem to be available from JS 2) you need a even object which I don't have in this case as we are inside a callback from the search engine which doesn't relay on events. Can I get your super review?
Target Milestone: M19 → M18
PDT agrees [rtm need info] until super review is available for latest fix.
Whiteboard: [rtm+]Fix in hand, reviewed (3x) → [rtm need info]Fix in hand, reviewed (3x)
no, "KeyEvent" is actually a global object of sorts, so you literally say something like if (me.lastKeyPressed == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE) { etc.... }
I tried that too but it wasn't recognized. Also, I've looked in lxr to see if any other JS file use the pattern DOM_VK_ without success!
I spoke with Alec and we decided to go with the original fix. sr=alecf
Whiteboard: [rtm need info]Fix in hand, reviewed (3x) → [rtm+]Fix in hand, reviewed and approved
QA Contact: jrgm → claudius
PDT marking [rtm++]
Whiteboard: [rtm+]Fix in hand, reviewed and approved → [rtm++]Fix in hand, reviewed and approved
Fixed and checked in
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [rtm++]Fix in hand, reviewed and approved → [rtm++]
Ducarroz, I kinda tested this bug and have a question for you. If I type 'abcdefgh' in the addressing field, after 300 ms it autocompletes with ''. If i hit backspace it deletes '' and if I hit backspace again it deletes 'h'. So I need to hit backspace twice to delete the last one charecter. Is this the way it is supposed to work? Thanks!! And btw, if I want to delete more charecters in the right afterwards, then one backspace is enough for each charecter! Builds Tested: Today's Branch builds on win NT and Linux.
Your are right. 2 backspace the first time (one for the selection and one for the last char.) and then only one per characters. Previously you had to hit backspace twice for every characters if you were slow!
So...this works fine for the compose window autocomplete!.
Claudius, this still needs to be tested and verified for Browser, Mailnews checked the Addressing widget for Compose window.
VERIFIED Fixed in BRANCH builds 2000101008. Adding vtrunk keywoed so this gets looked at on the trunk
Keywords: vtrunk
Verified Fixed on trunk builds in Browser and Message Compose. backspace once removes autocomeplete from actual field and backspace a second time removes last typed character, after that autocomplete is in the popup not the text widget and it only takes one backspace per character deleted instead of two. linux 101808 RedHat 6.2 win32 101804 NT 4 mac 101804 Mac OS9 Setting bug to Verified and removing vtrunk keyword
Keywords: vtrunk
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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