Closed Bug 545839 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

ReferenceError: urls is not defined Error while working withn XUL


(Mozilla Localizations :: mr / Marathi, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kasturikarlekar, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b5) Gecko/2008032600 SUSE/2.9.95-25.1 Firefox/3.0b5 Build Identifier: I am pasting my code here, /* Convert HTML to PDF with mozilla rendering engine. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Michele Baldessari <> 2006 Huang Ying <> 2008 */ function WebProgressListener() { var self = this; } WebProgressListener.prototype. QueryInterface = function(iid) { var self = this; if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return self; throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onStateChange = function(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) { var self = this; const WPL = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener; if (stateFlags & WPL.STATE_STOP) { if ("onDone" in self) self.onDone(); if (stateFlags & WPL.STATE_IS_NETWORK) if ("onNetworkDone" in self) self.onNetworkDone(); } }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onProgressChange = function(webProgress, request, curSelf, maxSelf, curTotal, maxTotal) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onLocationChange = function(webProgress, request, location) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onStatusChange = function(webProgress, request, status, message) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onSecurityChange = function(webProgress, request, state) { }; function HtmlPrinter() { var self = this; self.browser = document.getElementById("browser"); self.onPageLoaded = function() { dump("onPageLoaded\n"); }; self.onPrinted = function() { dump("onPrinted\n"); }; }; HtmlPrinter.prototype.loadPage = function(url) { var self = this; var listener = new WebProgressListener(); listener.onNetworkDone = function() { self.onPageLoaded(); }; self.browser.addProgressListener(listener, Components.interfaces. nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATUS); self.browser.loadURI(url, null, null); }; HtmlPrinter.prototype.print = function(fileName, options) { var self = this; var ifreq = content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces. nsIInterfaceRequestor); var webBrowserPrint = ifreq.getInterface(Components.interfaces. nsIWebBrowserPrint); var gPrintSettings = webBrowserPrint.globalPrintSettings; gPrintSettings.marginTop = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginBottom = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginLeft = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginRight = -0.24; gPrintSettings.edgeLeft = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeTop = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeRight = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeBottom = 0; gPrintSettings.footerStrLeft = ""; gPrintSettings.footerStrCenter = ""; gPrintSettings.footerStrRight = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrLeft = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrCenter = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrRight = ""; gPrintSettings.printToFile = true; gPrintSettings.printSilent = true; gPrintSettings.toFileName = fileName; gPrintSettings.paperWidth = options.width; gPrintSettings.paperHeight = options.height; //gPrintSettings.paperName = "Letter"; gPrintSettings.showPrintProgress = false; // Adobe Postscript Drivers are expected (together with a FILE: // printer called "Generic PostScript Printer". Drivers can be // found here: // var runtime = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime); var OS = runtime.OS; if (OS == "WINNT") gPrintSettings.printerName = "Generic PostScript Printer"; else gPrintSettings.printerName = "PostScript/default"; var listener = new WebProgressListener(); listener.onDone = function() { self.onPrinted(); }; dump("Starting printing"+ new Date()+"\n"); webBrowserPrint.print(gPrintSettings, listener); dump("Printing completed"+ new Date()+"\n"); }; function Html2Pdf(url, pdfFile, options) { dump("Initializing HTML printer object\n"+ new Date()+ "\n"); var hp = new HtmlPrinter(); dump("HTML printer initialized\n"+ new Date()+ " \n"); hp.onPageLoaded = function() { var printit = function() { try { dump("Starting"+ new Date()+ "\n"); hp.print(pdfFile, options); dump("Printing"+ new Date() + "\n"); } catch (e) { dump(e + "\n"); window.close(); } }; window.setTimeout(printit, 0); }; hp.onPrinted = function() { var quit = function() { window.close(); }; window.setTimeout(quit, 0); }; hp.loadPage(url); } function onLoad() { try { var wCmdLn = window.arguments[0]; nsCmdLn = wCmdLn.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICommandLine); var options = { width : 6.4, height : 4.8 }; var param; param = nsCmdLn.handleFlagWithParam("pw", false); if (param) options.width = param; param = nsCmdLn.handleFlagWithParam("ph", false); if (param) options.height = param; if (nsCmdLn.length != 2) { dump("Wrong number of arguments. Expected <source> <destination>\n"); window.close(); } var url = nsCmdLn.getArgument(0); var pdfFile = nsCmdLn.getArgument(1); dump(url); var file = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); dump("done"); file.initWithPath(urls); dump(file.path); var entries = file.directoryEntries; while(entries.hasMoreElements()) { var entry = entries.getNext(); entry.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile); dump(entry.path); //if(entry.isDirectory() ) { } Html2Pdf(url, pdfFile, options); } catch(e) { dump(e + "\n"); window.close(); } } function init() { addEventListener("load", onLoad, false); } init(); In this while loading the nsIFile component its throwing an error ReferenceError: urls is not defined. If I remove the code and run this code only for single file works good but for directory iteration I require that. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: the code simply giving input and output path 2. 3.
This is not a security bug. This is not even a bug in Mozilla, but a bug in your own code. When you call |file.initWithPath(urls)| you are passing an undefined variable as the argument. Everywhere else in your code you are using |url|.
Group: core-security
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Yes I got it afterwords, Now I have Modified the code. Now I am giving I am iterating a directory and giving a single file one after the other for pdf generation but my code throws following exception "[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8048001f [nsIWebBrowserPrint.print]" nsresult: "0x8048001f (<unknown>)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://html2pdf/content/html2pdf.js :: anonymous :: line 124" data: no] 460.800000 345.600000 36864 27648" tHE CODE The code is as follows /* Convert HTML to PDF with mozilla rendering engine. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Michele Baldessari <> 2006 Huang Ying <> 2008 */ function WebProgressListener() { var self = this; } WebProgressListener.prototype. QueryInterface = function(iid) { var self = this; if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return self; throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onStateChange = function(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) { var self = this; const WPL = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener; if (stateFlags & WPL.STATE_STOP) { if ("onDone" in self) self.onDone(); if (stateFlags & WPL.STATE_IS_NETWORK) if ("onNetworkDone" in self) self.onNetworkDone(); } }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onProgressChange = function(webProgress, request, curSelf, maxSelf, curTotal, maxTotal) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onLocationChange = function(webProgress, request, location) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onStatusChange = function(webProgress, request, status, message) { }; WebProgressListener.prototype. onSecurityChange = function(webProgress, request, state) { }; function HtmlPrinter() { var self = this; self.browser = document.getElementById("browser"); self.onPageLoaded = function() { dump("onPageLoaded\n"); }; self.onPrinted = function() { dump("onPrinted\n"); }; }; HtmlPrinter.prototype.loadPage = function(url) { var self = this; var listener = new WebProgressListener(); listener.onNetworkDone = function() { self.onPageLoaded(); }; self.browser.addProgressListener(listener, Components.interfaces. nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATUS); self.browser.loadURI(url, null, null); }; HtmlPrinter.prototype.print = function(fileName, options) { var self = this; var ifreq = content.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces. nsIInterfaceRequestor); var webBrowserPrint = ifreq.getInterface(Components.interfaces. nsIWebBrowserPrint); var gPrintSettings = webBrowserPrint.globalPrintSettings; gPrintSettings.marginTop = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginBottom = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginLeft = -0.24; gPrintSettings.marginRight = -0.24; gPrintSettings.edgeLeft = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeTop = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeRight = 0; gPrintSettings.edgeBottom = 0; gPrintSettings.footerStrLeft = ""; gPrintSettings.footerStrCenter = ""; gPrintSettings.footerStrRight = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrLeft = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrCenter = ""; gPrintSettings.headerStrRight = ""; gPrintSettings.printToFile = true; gPrintSettings.printSilent = true; gPrintSettings.toFileName = fileName; gPrintSettings.paperWidth = options.width; gPrintSettings.paperHeight = options.height; //gPrintSettings.paperName = "Letter"; gPrintSettings.showPrintProgress = false; // Adobe Postscript Drivers are expected (together with a FILE: // printer called "Generic PostScript Printer". Drivers can be // found here: // var runtime = Components.classes[";1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULRuntime); var OS = runtime.OS; if (OS == "WINNT") gPrintSettings.printerName = "Generic PostScript Printer"; else gPrintSettings.printerName = "PostScript/default"; var listener = new WebProgressListener(); listener.onDone = function() { self.onPrinted(); }; dump("Starting printing"+ new Date()+"\n"); webBrowserPrint.print(gPrintSettings, listener); dump("Printing completed"+ new Date()+"\n"); }; function Html2Pdf(url, pdfFile, options) { dump("Html2PdfUrl input "+url+"\n"); dump("Html2PdfUrl pdfFile "+pdfFile+"\n"); dump("Initializing HTML printer object\n"+ new Date()+ "\n"); var hp = new HtmlPrinter(); dump("HTML printer initialized\n"+ new Date()+ " \n"); var aFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile); aFile.initWithPath(url); var entries = aFile.directoryEntries; while(entries.hasMoreElements()) { var entry = entries.getNext(); entry.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile); if(entry.isDirectory() ) { entries = entry.directoryEntries; }else{ if(entry.isFile){ if(entry.path.indexOf(".html") != -1){ var inputPath = entry.path; dump("input path "+ inputPath +"\n"); var inputLeafName = entry.leafName; var name = inputLeafName.substr(0,inputLeafName.indexOf(".")); dump("Modified NAme " + name+"\n"); var outPutPath = pdfFile+"/"+name+".pdf"; dump("outPutPath "+ outPutPath +"\n"); hp.onPageLoaded = function() { var printit = function() { try { dump("Starting"+ new Date()+ "\n"); hp.print(outPutPath, options); dump("Printing"+ new Date() + "\n"); } catch (e) { dump(e + "\n"); window.close(); } }; window.setTimeout(printit, 0); }; hp.onPrinted = function() { var quit = function() { window.close(); }; window.setTimeout(quit, 0); }; hp.loadPage(inputPath); } } } } } function onLoad() { try { var wCmdLn = window.arguments[0]; nsCmdLn = wCmdLn.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICommandLine); var options = { width : 6.4, height : 4.8 }; var param; param = nsCmdLn.handleFlagWithParam("pw", false); if (param) options.width = param; param = nsCmdLn.handleFlagWithParam("ph", false); if (param) options.height = param; if (nsCmdLn.length != 2) { dump("Wrong number of arguments. Expected <source> <destination>\n"); window.close(); } var url = nsCmdLn.getArgument(0); var pdfFile = nsCmdLn.getArgument(1); Html2Pdf(url, pdfFile, options); } catch(e) { dump(e + "\n"); window.close(); } } function init() { addEventListener("load", onLoad, false); } init(); and the line where the code is throwing an error is webBrowserPrint.print(gPrintSettings, listener);
Please someone answer my question its very argent
This is a bug tracking database for Mozilla products, not a developer support tool. Have you tried searching the error message? Did you look at the line number that the error message refers to to debug your code? You're going to need to demonstrate a little more resourcefulness if you want people to help you, in general.
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