Bug 550582
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
MDC ( is very slow
( Graveyard :: General, defect) Graveyard
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: BenB, Unassigned)
MDC ( is very slow. Very often, it takes 20s to respond. I expect 200ms, maximum 1s. This slows down work.
Sometimes, I even get "service unavailable" for some pages, reload fixes it.
The "service unavailable" shows is that it's not the pure web server which is the problem. Please upgrade/add server(s) *and* (much more importantly) check out the software layers, how you can cut down unnecessary processing dramatically. Probably there's a huge amount of processing going on that could be removed, somehow - the response times can't be explained in another way.
Comment 1•15 years ago
I restarted the dekiwiki daemon on both webheads. When this has become an issue in the past that usually fixes it.
I suspect you're absolutely right that there's software issues, but there's not much we can do about that ourselves. Maybe Sheppy can pester the vendor again. :)
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
Updated•15 years ago
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 2•15 years ago
Please keep open until the underlying issue is fixed.
Also, response time here is around 2s. As said, *maximum* should be 1s, esp. for a site that's integral in our work (and basically just displays webpages).
Resolution: FIXED → ---
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Comment 3•15 years ago
(Thanks for restarting, BTW. Definitely much better - for now.)
Comment 4•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #2)
> Please keep open until the underlying issue is fixed.
I think you're arguing for the sake of arguing here. I was just poking around at it before you reopened to make sure my restart actually got some speed back, and it seemed plenty responsive to me. We've been through this a dozen times already, there's not much else we can do on our end. If anything further needs to be done it's going to have to be done within the app.
Assignee: justdave → nobody
Component: Server Operations → Infrastructure
Product: → Mozilla Developer Center
QA Contact: mrz → infrastructure
Version: other → unspecified
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Comment 5•15 years ago
> We've been through this a dozen times already
I know :-), I've seen it before, too. That's why I reopened it, because I don't want this to keep coming back.
> it's going to have to be done within the app.
Yes, that's what the initial description said :).
Thanks for re-assigning, I didn't know the other Product.
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Updated•15 years ago
Comment 6•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #2)
> Also, response time here is around 2s. As said, *maximum* should be 1s, esp.
> for a site that's integral in our work (and basically just displays webpages).
To be far, basically displaying -dynamically- generated webpages in a C# app. This is in no way a simple app or something that "just displays webpages" (the dream that would be if it were!).
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Comment 7•15 years ago
> displaying -dynamically- generated webpages
Not necessarily. The content is basically static. The dynamic generation is just how we chose to do the content management.
You could just as well have them all as static webpages, and generate and update them every time somebody modifies the wiki page.
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Comment 8•15 years ago
I.e. each time somebody clicks "save", a complete, static page is generated, written to /cached/, and the web server serves from there when somebody requests the wiki "page" (not "edit" mode, history or whatever). I think you could even implement that with little or no modification of the Wiki application.
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Comment 9•15 years ago
It's very slow again
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Comment 10•15 years ago
Filed bug 559337 about the static page idea (given that it was ignored here), and closing this.
Closed: 15 years ago → 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 11•15 years ago
Expected response time: 200ms.
Actual response time: 20000ms or no response at all.
Hello? Is somebody home? MDC is again extremely slow, with failure to respond for >50% of the requests, since about a week at least. I expect such problems to be fixed within the hour, not days or weeks, and not to come back every other week. The situation is unbearable.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 12•15 years ago
This is a known problem and is being worked on. Please see for details.
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Comment 13•15 years ago
That's good to know, but the problem is known since almost 2 months (when I filed this bug).
And I made a suggestion, which is fairly easy to implement, does not depend on proprietary software, and solves the problem for most cases (viewing page): bug 559337. So far, in all bugs I filed, you've only responded to tell me "can't do".
Comment 14•15 years ago
I understand your frustration (trust me, I guarantee I'm more frustrated than you are). But things have taken a recent turn for the worse in terms of performance and we're working to understand why.
It's not a matter of "can't do". It's a matter of "it doesn't make sense to do that right now."
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Comment 15•15 years ago
> I guarantee I'm more frustrated than you are
OK, I will not add any frustration, then. Good luck!
I still do think that my caching suggestion is the fastest solution to your current problems, as that can be implemented in a matter of hours, without any dependence on MindSource vendor.
Comment 16•15 years ago
We are not dependent on the vendor unless we choose to be; it is an open source application, which we insisted on when we deployed it.
I don't think you could implement that solution in a matter of hours, but if you would like a contract to do so, I would be happy to pay 5 times your usual hourly rate for a fixed-price delivery of such a system. You know how to contact me!
Comment 17•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #16)
> We are not dependent on the vendor unless we choose to be; it is an open source
> application, which we insisted on when we deployed it.
This is not true. It's closed source, we have no access to the source code, it's a huge black box (which is why IT can't fix it ourselves). It's all precompiled C# code running in Mono.
Comment 18•15 years ago
What happens if two Deki templates reference each other? Can this eat up CPU time?
Comment 19•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #17)
> This is not true. It's closed source, we have no access to the source code,
> it's a huge black box (which is why IT can't fix it ourselves).
The Mindtouch Core is GPL-v2, and the Mindtouch Pro is Shared Source. Both of them have source available. I will ensure that we get our hands on the source that matches what we have deployed, so that IT can fix it ourselves! I look forward to it!
Comment 20•15 years ago
Probably doesn't help that we don't have anyone on staff that knows C#
Comment 21•15 years ago
There's a pretty big difference between "it is a black box that we can't change, or we could fix it ourselves" and "the source doesn't help us, because we don't know how to use it". Which is it? I just mailed the developers demanding the source code...
Comment 22•15 years ago
Yeah, big difference indeed. We can always learn. ;) The fact that the source was available was news to me. Quite welcome news, mind you. :) From what I understand blizzard and morgamic are already working on poking at it since we made that discovery.
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Comment 23•15 years ago
Short-term workaround, in case you need to read the docs, but can't reach MDC. Limitations:
- DNS should get active within 24h, but will randomly fail ATM
- "dir.1" URLs
- Only English
- No edit, history etc.
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Comment 24•15 years ago
Response time is currently about 3s for me, which is workable. But of course still not as fast as it could be. Please do implement bug 559337.
Closing this bug, will reopen in case it gets bad again.
Closed: 15 years ago → 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Component: Deki Infrastructure → Other
Updated•5 years ago
Product: → Graveyard
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