Closed Bug 551103 Opened 15 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Allow test-runs to set default preferences (prepare profile before first start)


(Testing Graveyard :: Mozmill, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [MozMillAddonTestday])

During our testday on Friday, Sid asked how to set default preferences for a couple of Mozmill tests. After checking the code we have found out that there is no way to do that at the moment. Preferences you set are always user preferences but not default preferences. Sid mentioned that he will fix it in the shell script which invokes the Mozmill tests for Thunderbird. We can backport it to Mozmill itself later. Please point us to the script so we know what we have to add/update.
I implemented it as part of bug 550589. Basically all one needs to do is to create a prefs.js file inside ProfD/preferences.
Still an active bug? What is the priority here?
Severity: normal → enhancement
Still a must have for the future. Jeff, we already talked about it a couple of times.
Depends on: 636035
Is there anything that should be done here now that mozprofile doesn't already achieve? Please be specific
Jeff, is there example code we can look at, so that we can see what mozprofile is capable of at the moment? Without that it's kinda hard for me to answer your question because I'm not that familiar with the code like you.
See There is various code in-tree, though looking at is probably just as easy to understand, or running mozmill --help or mozprofile --help
So I'm moving this to a mozmill bug. ABICT, this is about mozmill test runs being able to set preferences. I have no idea what this has to do with mozprofile. If there is a feature that is requested, please ticket it and explain. I didn't know what was being requested a year ago, and I don't know now.
Component: Mozbase → Mozmill
Since a while now there are command line options for specifying additional default values for preferences. So I think that this should be enough for this bug. Also keep in mind that Mozmill will reach its end of life soon. We are currently working on getting all the tests for Firefox ported to Marionette. For status updates please see bug 1080766.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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