Closed Bug 5514 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FEATURE] Connect file picker to prefs


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mcafee, Assigned: law)


none of the "Browse..." buttons are doing anything in the preferences dialog.
Assignee: mcafee → don
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets → Pref UI
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Linux/Prefs: File picker not working → Prefs: File picker not working
sdagley says this isn't working on Mac either. Prefs? Don?
Assignee: don → mcmullen
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: M6
This is feature work for John due at M6.
Updating QA Contact from paulmac to cpratt
Target Milestone: M6 → M7
Moving to M7
Summary: Prefs: File picker not working → [FEATURE] Connect file picker to prefs
OS: Linux → All
Whiteboard: Before I can do this, I have to make the filepicker scriptable.
Whiteboard: Before I can do this, I have to make the filepicker scriptable. → Groundwork laid, but possibly at risk.
Filepicker is scriptable, but this one may be at risk.
I missed this for M7, and it is not my fault. First, I had to make the file widget scriptable. I did so. The solution to this was nsIFileSpecWithUI, a design arrived at after discussion with the COM gestapo. There were other tasks necessary, which I did complete. Unfortunately, when I turned back to the task of adding the file picker to the prefs window, I discovered to my dismay that the COM gestapo have removed nsIFileSpecWithUI. They replaced it with a thing called nsIFileChooser, which unfortunately has all the access to nsIFileSpec removed from it. So, at the 11th hour, I discovered that despite all my work, we have no scriptable file widget. This nsIFileChooser adds nothing to the original File widget (and actually is less useful, because you can't get even an nsFileSpec out of it), and I plan to cvs remove it. There's no point in having two file widget classes, and clearly nsIFilePicker wins over this pathetic offering. Moving to M8. Hey, thanks to the COM gestapo for undoing my work! Boy, this sort of stuff makes me enjoy my job... mmm-mmm-good!
Whiteboard: Groundwork laid, but possibly at risk. → Groundwork laid, vandalised by another engineer.
M9, giving to don for re-assigning.
Assignee: don → law
Whiteboard: Groundwork laid, vandalised by another engineer.
Target Milestone: M9 → M10
Bill, can you do this one for M10?
Probably; accepting bug.
Blocks: 10575
Blocks: 12656
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I connected the button to choose a home page on the Navigator pane and the button to choose a cache folder on the Advanced/Cache pane. I think that's all of 'em.
Looks OK in the 1999092108 build, NT. There are minor issues but I'll file other bugs against those. Marking this bug VERIFIED.
No longer blocks: 10575
No longer blocks: 12656
Bulk moving Pref UI bugs to new component Preferences.
Component: Pref UI → Preferences
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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