Open Bug 552346 Opened 14 years ago Updated 6 months ago

Stop honoring DNS names found in subject common names in CERT_VerifyCertName


(NSS :: Libraries, defect, P5)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: matt, Unassigned)



From bug 394919 comment #11:

NSS (in CERT_VerifyCertName) currently treats the common name of a certificate as a valid DNS name if the certificate contains no DNS subjectAltNames.  This is a legacy behavior that should be removed once there is enough momentum to do so in the community.
According to Apple, Safari will not treat the common name as a domain name if there is a domain name in the SAN.
Eddy, NSS has always done that, ever since it first supported SANs.
This bug proposes that support for DNS names in subject common names be 
dropped altogether, with or without SANs.  As you know, I favor that idea
but I realize that it is unlikely that any one browser will ever do that 
unilaterally, lest they cede much market to the others who don't.  

Maybe you should run this up the flag pole at CABF and see who salutes.  :)
Depends on: 553749
For starters, we could practice what we preach: bug 553749.
Summary: Stop honoring DNS common names in CERT_VerifyCertName → Stop honoring DNS names found in subject common names in CERT_VerifyCertName
Severity: normal → S3
Severity: S3 → S4
Priority: -- → P5
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