Open Bug 561666 Opened 14 years ago Updated 14 years ago

Describe how to reset the Master Password without losing saved passwords


(SeaMonkey :: Help Documentation, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: InvisibleSmiley, Unassigned)


We already explain how to reset the Master Password in a lossy way (losing all saved passwords) but the lossless case is just as important if you just want to get rid of Master Password prompts. Of course you need to know your current Master Password in order to reset it:

1. Open the Preferences window
2. go to Privacy & Security, Master Password
3. select Change Password
4. enter your current Master Password in the first text box, leaving the other two blank
5. select OK.

This should be described under Reset Master Password or in its own chapter and referenced from there, a note should be added to Change Master Password that omitting the new password is an option and perhaps optionally the Help index should be amended so that the new topic can be found by searching for e.g. "Disable Master Password"
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